Are their mites that live in your eyelashes

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Demodex folliculorum, or the demodicid, is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm long, that lives in the roots of your eyelashes. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are their mites that live in your eyelashes
Do mites really live on your eyelashes?
Yes, as gross as that is. Wikipedia calls it Demodex. Demodex is a genus of tiny parasitic mites which live in or near hair follicles of mammals. About 65 species of Demodex mites are known; they are among the smallest of arthropods. Two sp…

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We have mites living in our eyelashes?
Q: This is too gross for me to bear, i actualy feel really sick and upset knowing this. Can you get rid of them? Xxx
A: thanks for letting me know, will sleep easy tonight.
Creatures living on your face, how do you feel about it?
Q: Ok so how do you feel about these mites living all over your face, aren’t they beautiful. btw yes it’s true they do feed and poop on your face.
A: I need to charge rent
All of the environmental features in the area where an organism lives are known as its ?
Q: 1. All of the environmental features in the area where an organism lives are known as its A. niche. B. habitat. C. community. D. behavior. 2. The idea that two species cannot occupy the same niche is known as A. ecological equivalence. B. niche partitioning. C. evolutionary response. D. competitive exclusion. 3. Ecological equivalents are species that occupy similar niches A. in different geographical regions. B. with plenty of food. C. in different types of habitats. D. after niche partitioning. 4. Predation is best described as A. one organism capturing and eating another. B. two organisms competing for limited resources. C. an interaction in which two species benefit from each other. D. an interaction in which one species benefits and the other is not affected. 5. An oak tree provides a sparrow a place to build a nest. The nest neither benefits nor harms the tree. What is the name for this type of relationship? A. mutualism B. commensalism C. predation D. parasitism 6. The movement of a single caribou into a herd is an example of A. immigration. B. emigration. C. population. D. competition. 7. The carrying capacity is most likely to change A. if emigration takes place. B. when resources remain the same. C. for all species at the same time. D. after a fire or flood. 8. Which of the following is an example of a density-independent limiting factor? A. a parasite B. a decrease in prey C. a food shortage D. a natural disaster 9. Which Earth system includes all the other Earth systems? A. geosphere B. biosphere C. hydrosphere D. atmosphere 10. Which of the following is an example of a connection between Earth systems? A. deer drinking from a stream B. ice melting on a lake C. minerals forming under Earth’s surface D. a robin hatching from an egg 11. A biome is defined by its A. wetland. B. mountainside. C. African savannah. D. tropical rain forest. 12. Which biome has hot summers, cold winters, and precipitation spread over the whole year? A. mountainous coniferous forest B. Mediterranean shrubland C. temperate deciduous forest D. tropical rain forest 13. Which two areas are not considered to be biomes? A. polar ice caps and chaparral B. mountains and tundra C. polar ice caps and mountains D. chaparral and grassland 14. Lions eat zebras. Zebras are part of the lion’s A. abiotic factors. B. ecological niche. C. distant habitat. D. predators. 15. When two species compete for the same resource, they sometimes divide this resource. This is an example of A. niche partitioning. B. niche consolidation. C. evolutionary response. D. ecological equivalence. 16. Hawks and foxes compete to eat field mice. This is a form of A. interspecific competition. B. competitive exclusion. C. intraspecific predation. D. random dispersion. 17. What word or phrase would be most appropriate opposite “Commensalism” under “Organism 2”?Relationship Organism 1 Organism 2 Example Mutualism Benefits Benefits Bee/Flowering plant Commensalism Benefits Human/Eyelash mite Parasitism Benefits Is Harmed Dog/Flea A. may die over time B. neither benefits nor is harmed C. benefits D. is harmed 18. Which of these is an example of parasitism? A. A lion defends its territory. B. A squirrel stores food in a tree hole. C. A leech feeds on a host’s blood. D. A polar bear kills and eats a seal. 19. What type of population growth is shown in the graph? A. logistic growth B. exponential growth C. density-dependent growth D. carrying capacity growth 20. Which of the following is a density-dependent limiting factor? A. unusual weather B. normal weather C. human activities D. competition 21. All of the living things in the bioshpere are called the A. biota B. biome C. abiota D. biomic component 22. The geosphere is one of four interconnected systems, and includes A. continents, rocks, and sea floor only. B. the features on and below Earth’s surface. C. all nonliving parts of Earth. D. every living thing on Earth. 23. The hypothesis that suggests that Earth’s systems interact to produce abundant life in the biosphere is called the _____ hypothesis. A. Gaia B. Biome C. Grays D. Abiotic 24. Which of the following is a characteristic of tropical rain forests? A. a distinct rainy season B. few organisms living in trees C. extreme heat fluctuations D. thin soil that is low in nutrients 25. Base
A: Dude, ask the questions your stuck on.Don’t expect people to do them for you.
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