Are hiccups dangerous

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Are hiccups dangerous”,you can compare them.

Prolonged hiccups may interfere with::Speech, eating , sleeping, post-surgical wound healing. Not dangerous. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are hiccups dangerous
Are Hiccups Dangerous?
Most hiccups are not harmful. The frequency of most hiccups is usually from 4 to 60 hiccups a minute. Hiccups usually occur in people (even babies and fetuses) for a minute or two and then pass. There are, however, cases of prolonged hiccup…
Can hiccups become dangerous?
Sporadic hiccups are usually harmless. But persistant hiccups may be the sign of something more serious. If you hiccup for a few minutes at a time you’ll probably be fine, but if you have hiccups for a large amount of time, see a doctor.
What causes hiccups? Can they be dangerous?
Hiccups (AKA singultus) are the gulping sounds caused by involuntary spasms of the muscle that separates the chest and abdomen and helps with breathing – the diaphragm. Hiccups are a bit of a medical mystery. Theories (such as eating too fa…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are hiccups dangerous if they last a long time?
Q: Okay so I’ve had hiccups since about 5 this morning off and on and they’re really starting to get on my nerves,can they be dangerous if they last a while?
A: eat a big spoon of peanut butter (slowly)should take them right away. If they are coming and going no they arent dangerous.
is it dangerous to eat while having teh hiccups?
Q: can you like, inhale your food or somthing?
A: Since we use the same orifice for eating and breathing, it is inherently dangerous to eat and breathe, and hiccups are like throwing ball bearings into the gears. Is it dangerous for you walk and chew gum at the same time? Maybe, maybe not. It depends upon the person. I hope you are well coordinated… 🙂
Hi, are these hiccups dangerous?
Q: Hi, my little sister keeps getting these really painful Hiccups that are really noisey, they can go on for ages and are very painful for her, they are very loud and seem to come from no-where she doesnt need to have eaten, Sometimes she will just be sitting there and then this awful noise happens and it hurts her!She has been to the doctors and he has discarded it as nothing but im not convinced, any ideas??
A: This sounds definitely like a vagal stimulation or trigger. It is something she may outgrow…. or not.Try the “bearing down” exercise. When the hiccups start, tell her to take a deep breath and then bear down (holding the breath and pushing it down thru her throat.) Hold it for awhile, 30seconds if she can. It may help.If not, this is a remedy I learned from a neurologist I work with:Drink water through a straw while holding your fingers in your ears and pinching your nose closed at the same time. It has worked for everyone I have ever told to do this.If that doesn’t work, maybe reflux is the cause. Hiccups are painful sometimes and maybe pursuing a doctor to ask about reflux may be an answer.Good luck
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