Are gonorrhea and chlamydia curable

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Gonorrhea is curable with antibiotics and Chlamydia is also curable with antibiotics. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are gonorrhea and chlamydia curable
Can penicillin vk cure gonorrhea or chlamydia?
Yes both very 100% curable with antibiotics. Don’t wait, don’t be embarassed, the longer you wait, the worse it gets and the greater chance you have of causing fertility problems in the future… Just get an antibiotic please.
Are chlamydia and gonorrhea curable?
Yes. If you are infected, your doctor will give you a prescription for antibiotics. Be sure to take all of the medicine, abstain from sexual activity and limit your number of sexual partners.
Could medicine for BV cure gonorrhea or chlamydia?
No, they are very different type of diseases therefore they need different types of medications.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Gonorrhea and Chlamydia curable diseases, and lets say you have been experiencing the symptons for 5 days.?
Q: Have I waited to long to see a doctor yet?
A: yes they are both curable. See and doctor ASAP!
are most STDs curable or will you die from them?
Q: I was under the impression that if you get an STD, you will generally die sooner due to health complications. But after reading on the most common ones such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and HPV, these are curable with antibiotics. Does this mean it cures the disease completely, or just breakouts?
A: Not all STDs are curable, but some are.Bacterial STDs, such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis are completely curable with antibiotics. If you treat them this way, they you will successfully get rid of the infection and it will not spontaneously come back. However, this does nto mean you are immune to them. Even if you’ve had a bacterial STD once and successfully cured it, you can still contract it agian. Also, even though it is curable, if Syphilis is left untreated it can lead to some serious health problems and even Death. The viral STDs, such as HIV, Herpes, and HPV are NOT curable. However, most HPV infections clear up on their own and there are many treatment options; they are generally harmless unless you contract one of the strains that can lead to cervical cancer- then you may have a problem, so it is important to get checked. Herpes, although not curable and quite possibley a big nuissance, will not lead to death. HIV, if progressed to AIDS, is certainly fatal; however, with a strict meds regimen, a good diet, lots of exercise, and overall good health practices, people living HIV can lead very long, healthy lives nowadays. So to sum it up, STDs are not death sentences. However, all STDs pose the risk of creating other health problems that you will not want to deal with, so it is still important to be safe and use protection. Also, upon possible exposure to an STD, it is best to be tested as soon as possible so you can be treated as soon as possible to try to minimize complications.
If i HAD chlamydia or gonorrhea and it has scarred my reproductive system is it possible i can still conceive?
Q: If I once became infected with a curable bacterial STD in the past, and got it treated but it had scarred my reproductive system or made me infertile, are there surgeries or ways in which would allow me to still concieve??????
A: yes. but it is going to be more difficult for you because of that scaring. sometimes you can harvest your eggs and have them fertilized out side of the womb if you aren’t ovulating from the scaring. if your uterus is ok and doesn’t have a lot of scaring they can put the fertivized eggs back inside and hopefully you have little one nine months later. it might be harder but don’t give up. see a specialist if you need to. good luck!
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