Are frequent nose bleeds bad

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Are frequent nose bleeds bad”,you can compare them.

Nose bleeds are more frequent when it is winter time. However, frequent nose bleeds can be a sign of other diseases. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are frequent nose bleeds bad
My boyfriend has random frequent nose bleeds. Why is this?
He should talk to his doctor to rule out the possibility of more serious conditions like luekemia, especially if they are difficult to stop. Nose bleeds can be caused by dry air, allergies, colds, aggressive nose blowing, nose picking, sinu…
What causes frequent nose bleeds?
They can be caused by allergies as well. Have him try taking Claritin or similar OTC for hay fever and see if it helps. Buy saline solution that you spray in your nose in the meantime and have him use it several times a day to keep the in…
How to Stop Frequent Nose Bleeds and Help the Nose Pickers that C…?
Have you ever squirmed when you see your child’s “boogers” hanging off the walls or seen them shove a finger up their nose? You are not alone Many children pick their nose when they feel like something is up there. When the mucus…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are my frequent nose bleeds bad?
Q: Okay, for the past 2 or 3 days, I’ve had constant nose bleeds. They come out of nowhere. I’ve had nine so far. But some of them are just small, and others are really bad. Is this bad? I’m going to the doctors if it continues. but should I go sooner?
A: Yes you should go to the Dr sooner – your blood pressure could be up or you might be pregnant and not know it. Either way it is always best for a Dr. to check you out. As far as stopping them goes, take a small piece of card board and stick it under your top lip – tuck it in there tightly – this will block the flow of blood and stop your nose from bleeding – this is what professional athletes do.
Bad frequent nose bleeds..?
Q: My boyfriend somtimes has pretty bad nose bleeds… like if you hit it the wrong way or somethin, his nose has always been kinda sensitive, but lately he has been getting real bad nose bleeds out of no where, the past 3 days… what could it be? the weather changing maybe? im just worries about him.. any answers will help.. thanks
A: He needs to go to the Dr. and be examed it could be a number of things.
Is it a bad idea to get a nose piercing with frequent nose bleeds?
Q: okay, so i want to get my nose pierced, but i have light/thin blood vessels in my nose, and I dont know if i should get it pierced or not, becuase i’m afraid i might have problems. Any doctors or professionals know if it’s a good or bad idea? I really want it, and i get nose bleeds about 1 time every 2 months, which isnt that bad, but i still have some regrets. Any help?! Thanks!
A: if it gets in the way or gets irritated I’m sure you could just take it out and let the hole close up.
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