What Not to Say to an Army Wife

If you live in a military town, have family or friends in the military, or are breathing you should know the do’s and don’t of talking to a military spouse. We’re sensitive. Little things set us off, it’s not your fault. That said, there are a few things that cut us, straight to the heart. If you can avoid these comments, we probably won’t hate you.

Don’t you miss him? – Yes. My husband is on the other side of the planet. He’s missing holidays, birthdays, and our anniversary. But, I’m not going to cry every second. I have a life too and children who need me, so no I’m not sad every second.

You should go home to your family. – I am home. Home is where the Army sends us. My soldier, my family, and I live here. This is where our life is whether our soldier is home or abroad. I’m also with my family. My Army family. They love me and support me better than anyone else could.

I would never let my husband leave for that long. – You would. If your husband loved his job and was doing something courageous that made you proud you would let him go. You would take pride in being the wife of someone who loves his family and this country enough to put his life on the line for it.

I could never be away from my husband that long, I love him too much. – Guess what? I love my husband too. I don’t have to spend every night with him to prove it. In fact, being willing to stay home for a month or a year without him is proof. It’s all the proof anyone should need.

What is he fighting for? Don’t, just don’t ever say this to an Army wife. My husband serves without pride or prejudice. They do a job that needs to be done, regardless of their personal political position. We don’t question it, at least not publicly. We just support our soldier.

Army wives can seem a little crazy and excessively sensitive. We’re not. We’re just tired of comments like these because they belittle our sacrifice and that of our soldier. If you don’t understand how we do what we do, don’t say so. Just thank us and be glad you don’t have to do it too.

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