Water, is, unique! It’s, characteristically, the universal solvent, with a low viscosity, and high surface tension. Many, of us, know it, for its colorlessness and transparency. According to evolution, it’s believed, all organisms, originated, from water. And as a perfect scientist, I prove, they’ve turned out, dependent on it, because of the following.

I wasn’t perplexed, at the news, of Mark’s death. Even, after catching that terrible fever, Mark, lazed at drinking, lots of fluids, as I, had advised. Metabolic reactions, in our bodies, can only, occur, if, the reacting chemicals, are water soluble. If cells, dry up, the reactions, stop and the organism dies .Water, therefore, acts as, the medium, for the occurrence, of the anatomical, biochemical, reactions. Physicians, dictate, one must, drink at least, five liters of water daily .So, how many, do you take?

Lucy has just been, discharged, from hospital. She, had collapsed, following, a poor supply of oxygen to tissues. Salvation, only came her way, when she was subjected, to a water drip, treatment .I, agree, with the solution, since water is, the major component, of blood plasma. Being a universal solvent, it dissolves, and transports absorbed food, wastes and hormones, to the targets. Others transported include: leucocytes, thrombocytes and erythrocytes-responsible for oxygen ferrying.

Our skins, do perspire. Being, a constituent ,of sweat, water, plays, a vital role, in temperature, regulation. Water, cools the body, especially, when it’s very hot, by evaporation .In the due process ,even toxins, are ousted from the body.

Looking at water actively participate, in numerous cell reactions, like, the inter conversion, of carbohydrates ,lipids and proteins ,involving, water addition(hydrolysis),or removal(condensation),and among others, seeing it, as a constituent of protoplasm, an external environment for the many plants and animals, as well as, the cause for turgidity in plants, am inclined to believe ,water, is ,life!

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