Use Funny Face Nose and Glasses in the Creation of a Doll Face

If you were making a doll carefully sewing intricate features into the design to make it realistic you probably wouldn’t skimp on hair or forget to add feet and hands. When ironing out the workings of sculpting a doll’s face you might take shortcuts by gluing or sewing an existing face onto the blank material. The existing face can come from another doll or be bought in ceramics or plastic. You might even take the head off of another doll and sew it onto the near complete doll’s body eliminating the need for a face.

If you are looking forward to the challenge of making a doll’s face there are all kinds of things that you can do. You might paint the face on or sew on pieces of yarn. You might stain the location for cheeks and lips with berries. Or you could use the joke funny face that consists of a nose, glasses, bushy eyebrows and a mustache. There are variations. Some may have a beard while others may lack any facial hair and so forth.

If you break the funny face apart you can use each piece to mold a face with distinguished characteristics. The nose which is a big centerpiece and is meant for an exaggeration to get a laugh adds a nice charm to the doll face. You can glue the nose on or you can downplay the nose and bring a reaction of realism into the expression of the doll’s face. By choosing fabric that is near the tone of the natural color in one’s face you can accentuate and minimize the look of the nose. Sew the fabric over the funny face nose. Sew the newly covered nose by its fabric to the face. Cut out the nostril holes or use a black permanent marker to fill them in. Glue the eyeglasses in the eye area or sew fabric over the glasses and sew them on the face. Choose a fabric color that is neutral, bold or highlights the frames depending on if you want them to be one of the main focuses of the face or something that enhances the face in subtlety lending its frames into bringing out the depth of the eyes. Glue or sew on the bushy eyebrows. Trim the brows to refine them and lightly comb them straight or leave them as they are wild and bushy.

If the funny face has a mustache or beard use them to thicken or add hair.

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