Tips for Ridding Your Home of Fleas

Fleas are easily carried into a house by a pet that is infected by fleas. Once fleas are in your home, it can be hard to get rid of them. One of the easiest ways to rid your home of fleas is to set off a fogger to kill them, but if you want to get rid of them without setting off a fogger there are other options.

Before even attacking the fleas in your home you need to address the flea problem with your pets. You will also need to realize that treating your pet for fleas will be an ongoing issue, since preventing fleas from infesting your house is easier than getting rid of them once you have them in your home. Once you have addressed the flea problem with your pets you can start work on getting them out of your home.

Next you will want to thoroughly clean your house, starting with the areas where your pet spends the most time. All blankets, bedding, and pet beds will need to be washed. If you have a cloth couch, and the cushions can be washed you will want to clean them as well. If you can’t wash the cushion covers in your washing machine you might consider renting an upholstery cleaner to clean your couch.

You will want to clean on your carpets next. You will want to remove as much furniture as possible before starting. The first step after removing the furniture is to vacuum the floor thoroughly. Once you have vacuumed the carpet take the vacuum cleaner bag outside, if your vacuum is bagless dump the contents of your vacuum cleaner into a bag and take it outside immediately.

After you have vacuumed the carpet the next step will be to treat the carpet. You can use your choice of baking soda or Borax to do this. You might even consider using a combination of both. Sprinkle the baking soda or Borax directly onto the carpet and use a broom to help it get deep down into the carpet fibers. Let it sit for several hours or overnight if possible, the longer the better. The baking soda and Borax suffocates the fleas. After you have let it sit, vacuum the carpet again, making sure you get all of the Borax powder or baking soda out of it.

Next you are going to want to shampoo the carpet. You can shampoo it yourself or have a carpet cleaning company do it for you.

Continue to thoroughly clean your carpets and treat your pets for fleas. If your flea problems continue you can either try flea sprays that can be found in your local hardware store or turn to a professional pest control company for help

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