The Power Outage Blackout

I had just gotten comfortable and was ready to relax with the Pride and Prejudice DVD for my late Friday night entertainment. It’s based on the classic of the same name authored by Jane Austin.

No sooner had I sat down than I heard the patter of raindrops slashing against the windows. Within minutes the slashing turned into an outright assault. I guess the weatherman rightfully predicted the strong possibility of severe storms.

Shh! What was that? All of a sudden, after hearing a whistle-like sound, the house went completely black. Oh no. “Honey, get the candles”. After navigating for a few minutes he returned with a large radio-flashlight instead. Oooh! Another flash of lightning interrupts my thoughts. It would make for a perfect Halloween fright night.

I ventured a daring look out the window. It looked like a deserted ghost town. Thoughts of my DVD watching were quickly vanishing. Nothing left to do but wait it out for a few minutes. That few minutes extended to 8 hours.

It didn’t take long to realize that we were getting very hot due to the non-functioning of the much relied upon air conditioner and ceiling fans. When it became apparent that our power would be out for a while, I retired to bed for the evening. Tossing and turning through the night didn’t bode well for a good night’s sleep.

At 8:00 the next morning, the sweet sound of the power came on it all its wonderful glory. We were ecstatic and felt the gentle breeze of the fan and the hissing of the air conditioner cranking back up. What a relief.

Don’t you find it amazing how often we take things and people for granted? We just assume that loved ones and things will always be there. It should make us love those around us more and appreciate the things that we are blessed to have.

What or who are you taking for granted?


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