The Pile of Unused Clothes

I’m blessed to have lots of clothes. Some of them, I don’t really get to wear anymore. But my clothes are something I’ve earned over my years of working. So this is not bragging.

Most of my clothes were given by my mom, who’s actually the type who loves to shop for clothes as her hobby and form of relaxation.

Don’t get me wrong. I love clothes. I love wearing them. But I’m just not the type who shops for fun. I shop clothes only when I need them.

So when it comes to arranging or re-arranging my closet, I’m always compelled to do it whenever I feel like I’m wearing the same clothes over and over again or whenever I see that my closet is already in disarray.

I usually put those clothes I’ve worn and seen in photos at the back so I won’t be tempted to use them again. I can mix and match my clothes so it won’t appear that I always use them but I can’t always do that.

So whenever it’s time to find new clothes to wear, my first resort is to re-arrange my closet and my last resort is to buy new one. But whenever I re-arrange my closet, I always find myself piling up a lot of unused clothes to make room for my new dresses and stuffs.

Before, it was so hard for me to let go of my unused clothes. I used to think that I have to keep them for future use, which is almost always, don’t really happen.

Letting go of my unused clothing is like letting go of so many baggage in my life. I felt that it has no use but I still keep them for comfort. I can’t give up some of my clothes because I feel like by the time I lose weight, I can use my smaller clothes again or if I gain weight, I can always use my bigger clothes again.

But I realized, I have to embrace my new self, my new body by pampering it and loving it as it is. I’m not making excuses just to buy new clothes but I think I just need to wear something that really fits me, something updated, something classy, something that reflects the new, bubbly, and happy me. So I have to wear something that’s not too small or not too big. Something that’s just RIGHT for me.

So, I’m piling up my unused clothes and giving it away without second thoughts, hoping that I won’t ever get to wear them again and for those who will receive them will make use of them as much as I do. And in a way, I can also help them in my own little way.

To my unused clothes, it’s not that I don’t love you. It’s just that, somebody else needs you more than I do.

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