Super Pain-Fighting Foods!

Have aches and pains that pills just aren’t curing? The truth is, there are actually foods out there that are perfect pain-fighters and can make all your woes go away. All you need to do is learn what these foods are, and once you ingest them, you can quickly find your aches, pains, and woes disappear! Learn the great pain-fighting foods you likely already have in your cupboard!

Ginger isn’t just for nausea and morning sickness, it’s a pain reliever as well. Full of anti-inflammatories, ginger is an amazing food for fighting headaches and muscle aches and pains while helping to keep you relaxed and calm as well. Have the flu or a nasty cold? Ginger tea is right up your alley, and ginger is a great additive to any Asian-inspired dish you can create. Don’t enjoy ginger? Try ginger candies instead or a ginger supplement to reduce the ginger invasion (health food stores carry these as well as baby specialty stores).

Salmon not only tastes great and is super healthy (chockful of Omega-3 fatty acids and healthy fats), but it also is a wonderful pain reliever as well. Salmon eaten regularly (a few ounces daily a few days a week) actually makes you feel better from the inside out consistently. Why? The healthy fats in salmon lubricate swollen and stubborn joints to make your aches and pains go away. Plus, salmon is high in protein and antioxidants and is great for heart health!

Coffee lovers rejoice- coffee is a pain reliever as well. Caffeine is well-known for relieving headaches and migraines by reducing the swelling in the nerves that cause that horrible pain. Coffee even has more antioxidants than berries do per serving as well, so enjoy that cup, or 2, or 3 of coffee. You are keeping your aches and pains at bay while you wake yourself up. And who can argue with that?

Not a coffee lover? Green tea is a great alternative, full of anti-inflammatory properties that can calm you down, help you relax, and ease your aches and pains due to exertion or illness. Green tea is super healthy in flushing out nasty free radicals and toxins from the body that cause inflammation, so even if green tea isn’t your gig, a cup or so a day will do you some definite good!

Cherries reduce inflammation in the body, so enjoy cherries as a nice sweet treat! Cherries not your thing? Peppermint or cinnamon tea can do the same thing. In fact, cinnamon is a great tool for weight loss, pain management, and makes you feel full of energy! You can’t go wrong with adding cinnamon to your meals and beverages, for sure!

Olive oil is a healthy fat to have in your diet anyhow (so skip the canola or veggie oil, and worse yet, the artificial butter), but it also aids in pain management. Aside the fact that olive oil is actually heart-healthy and tastes great, it releases awesome pain-fighting prowess in its anti-inflammatory properties. Olive oil is comparable to over-the-counter pain meds!

A super herb to try is sage, which is proven to reduce swelling in muscles, joints, and painful areas as well as helping out the brain. Sage is wonderful on poultry and fish, and a great versatile, tasty herb to try. Sage tea works great for swollen, sprained joints, and can help you recover from your daily aches while improving your memory at the same time! Yay!


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