‘South Park,’ Season 15, Episode 10, ‘Bass to Mouth’

“South Park,” Season 15, Episode 10, “Bass to Mouth” covers Internet gossip websites, school suicides, school mass poisonings, and the exotic sexual practices of imaginary beings who manifest in the shape of animals.

Spoilers surely follow.

South Park Elementary is in an uproar because one of the students has had a bathroom accident in class and the story has been splashed all over a gossip website. Here Cartman shines as the leader of the mass ridicule. But this has become a concern to the school administration. It seems that there was a similar incident last year in which Cartman helped to drive the kid to suicide. This cannot happen again.

Instead of expelling Cartman from school for being a danger to other students, the administrators decide to try to bribe him. If the kid does not commit suicide, they will make it worth Cartman’s while.

However Cartman’s solution is to poison another student, causing her embarrassment, and thus driving her to suicide. That way the story of the first kid would be obscured and he will find life worth living after all.

Cartman, of course, does not understand. No one must commit suicide. Exasperated, Cartman comes up with a solution. What if the whole school had an accident. No one would be singled out, hence no suicide. The administrators agree and decide to hold a pizza party for the student body, serving slices with a little extra topping.

Meanwhile the other students track down the perpetrator of the gossip site, a gerbil named “Wikileaks” (of course) who is the brother of Lemmiwinks, the gerbil who had an excellent and unprintable adventure several seasons ago. A mystical frog-like being shows up to point the way and to reveal a dark past involving an underage mythical being. Why the latter detail is revealed is unknown, except possibly Matt and Trey thought it was funny.

In any event, Lemmiwinks and Wikileaks does battle. The gossip gerbil is destroyed and with him the scurrilous website.

In the meantime, the school administrators decide to throw Cartman under the bus, literally. But Cartman, being a cartoon character, survives the experience and has his revenge at the end.

Source: South Park, Bass to Mouth, TV.Rage

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