Socialist America

What would a socialist America look like? What changes would be made? Would it be a better place to live? Until recently, even asking these questions would have your friends suspicious of your mental stability. Today, the possibility is not merely recognized, it has become the battle theme of the conservative base.

There would be many differences in a socialist America. Forfeiture of individual rights would be the most glaring and feared aspect to come about. The community would replace the person, and anyone that criticized (the good for all attitudes) and insisted in the old democratic way of self-reliance would be penalized.

Individual property rights would be stripped away. The generations old American dream of owning your own home would be gone forever. The same rule would apply to business. All businesses would be placed under direct government control and ran by government employees. The corporation, partnership, LLC, and individual mom and pop business would all carry the official government logo.

The right to bear arms would necessarily be taken away. The chance of a militia forming to rebel against the government would not be tolerated. The police and/or military would visit the home of every registered gun owner and take the firearm. Anyone that had received a hunting license in recent years would receive the same treatment. Those that had purchased a gun from a registered gun owner would not be omitted either. The Second Amendment, guaranteeing our right to bear arms, would no longer exist or be held accountable in the courts.

In a matter of months the entire Constitution would be wiped out of the legal system, replaced by a new socialist document. Perhaps it would be patterned after the UN constitution. The court system would be turned upside down and instead of being an equal arm of the government, it would become a tool of the socialist party. The current law books would be tossed out and a new era of social law would have attorneys scrambling to adjust.

Almost certainly there would be many sporadic uprisings by small groups of conservative hard line citizens. The rebellions would lead to thousands of deaths and imprisonments. The stern actions of our new government would be necessary as a show of strength to all those that resisted. FEMA would be forced to open internment camps to help realign the loyalties of mal-adjusted citizens.

As America fell more in line with the existing socialist countries, new allegiances would be formed. Trade would be increased and tariffs would be reduced. America’s gold reserve would enter the world market and the new world government would begin to take shape. Finally, the US monetary system would be discontinued, replaced by the now strengthened euro. The Grand Experiment would be finished.

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