Social Networking Leaves Employees Happier

Facebook and Twitter connect millions of viewers daily across the globe. It’s hard to put your phone down and disconnect, it appears that a large chunk of the population isn’t willing to do this- even during work hours.

According to Social Times, 37 percent of polled employees admit that they check Facebook and Twitter via computers and mobile devices throughout the work day. The other 67 percent wait until after work to connect with friends and family. Most people admitted to checked these networks at least twice a day.

Though Twitter and Facebook are most popular, LinkedIn is also popular with professionals during the work day. These sites are likely popular because Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are all related not only to personal interests, but professional gain as well.

Regardless how often employees visit their social networking site, Social Times reports that those who check social networks at least once a day are happier than those who do not. Like other websites, social networks work as an escape, even if for a few minutes. Employees can take a mental break from the task at hand, maybe even have a laugh and continue with work. If anything, social networks work as a place to vent or relieve stress during work.

If it’s not blocked take a moment to check in with friends, or pull your phone out on lunch to say hi to your friends, even if just for two minutes.

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