Skullcap and Its Herbal Healing Uses

Latin name: Scutellaria lateriflora

Common name(s): Greater Scullcap, Helmet Flower, Hoodwort, Mad Dog Weed, Mad Weed, Quaker Bonnet, Virginian Skullcap

Skullcap was given the name of Mad Dog Weed because was considered to cure hydrophobia commonly known as rabies. Skullcap is great for calming the nervous without any narcotic properties and it is very useful in treating insomnia by bringing about a natural sleep. It is a nervine which has a great influence on the central and sympathetic nervous system.

Skullcap is an aphrodisiac, antibacterial, anti-convulsive, anti-pyretic, anti-spasmodic, aromatic, astringent, diuretic, nervine, sedative and tonic. The parts of the plant that are used in herbal healing is the whole plant. It has been used traditionally to treat infertility according to ‘The Herb Book’ by John Lust.

Skullcap can be used to remedy a tension headache and relieve irritability. It is great for aiding in bringing relief from withdrawal symptoms from barbiturates and tranquilizers. It also works great in bringing relief from withdrawal symptoms from alcohol too. Skullcap is excellent for treating upper respiratory infections and it works wonders in absorbing toxins from the bowel.

Skullcap is a perennial that has rhizomes which are slender and thin with ovate-lanceolate leaves that are toothed on the edges. In summer it blooms blue flowers yet occasionally it blooms white or pink flowers that are one sided. Skullcap is a sedative bitter herb that relaxes spasms and stimulates the kidneys.

It is very useful in treating arthritis, rheumatism and gout. Skullcap aids in improving circulation throughout the body especially to the nervous system. It is excellent for treating poisonous bite such as snake bites. It also works wonders in treating hangovers.

Skullcap helps in treating extreme exhaustion and fatigue which is caused by blood poisons and it soothes inflamed tissues in the bowels. It works wonders in treating digestion disorders and problems. It has been noted for its abilities in relaxing spasms or involuntary jerking associated with spasmodic ailments such as St. Vitus’s Dance and epilepsy.

Skullcap can be used to treat any of the following:

Alcoholism, alcohol withdrawal, anxiety, arthritis, child diseases, circulation, convulsions, delirium tremens, diuretic, drug withdrawal, epilepsy, excitability, fevers, fits, gout, hangovers, headaches, hypertension, hysteria, hypoglycemia, indigestion, infertility, insomnia, insomnia, irritability, lock jaw, menstruation disorders and problems, mental illness, migraine headaches, muscle twitching, nervous conditions, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, neuritis, palsy, paralysis, poisonous bites, rabies, restlessness, rheumatism, rickets, sleeplessness, smoking, snake bites, spasms, St. Vitus’ dance, tension, tumors and urinary disorders and problems.

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