Sew a Love Note

Anyone can write on a card or tear out a sheet of colored paper and write a sentiment to someone. But if you’d like to give a special somebody a note, which is way more impressive, just sew it. It’s pretty easy to make a sewn arrangement that looks like ordinary notebook paper and, when you do, you create a much more interesting version of a love note. The cloth note doesn’t necessarily have to contain a love sentiment; it can be made as a wedding invitation, a party invitation, or just to be framed and hung on a wall.

You’ll need a regular piece of lined notebook paper to make the cloth note. It can be really helpful if you have a piece of carbon paper. You can still purchase carbon paper and a piece of it will make it simple to draw the notebook paper lines on the fabric.

White linen is the perfect choice for making the sewn note but you can actually use any color of lined paper. You’ll need two pieces; each one should be slightly larger – in width and length – than the notebook paper.

Stack the two pieces of notebook paper so that their right sides are facing each other. Sew around both long sides as well as one short side. This short side you sew will become the top of the note. Turn the linen right-side-out and stitch the opening shut.

Lay the carbon paper on the linen then position the notebook paper on top of it. Trace over the lines on the paper to transfer them to the linen. Draw the blue, horizontal lines, then draw a double red line, down the left side of the paper, to create the margin.

Sew over the horizontal lines with blue thread, using a small, straight stitch. Then, sew straight down the two red lines, using the same small, straight stitch.

Use a pencil to write the sentiment you wish to write on the linen. Write the words on the lined paper. After that, put the cloth in an embroidery hoop, and use hand stitching to embroider the letters.

The cloth love note or invitation is very unusual and pretty. You can use it to make a child’s wall hanging, to create a Valentine love note for someone you love, or even to make unique invitations. The recipient of this special note will save it and cherish it for many years.

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