Road Trip from Hell

The road ahead was a dark one. It winded through the dark forest and into a dark abyss with no light to guide the way. Now came the question that nagged at her ” Why on earth had she agreed to this road trip”? Though she loved to travel she hated the idea of driving to a far off place in the dead of the night. However this was not just any night but Halloween night.

Her travel companions were fast asleep leaving her to contend with the spooky atmosphere alone. The sharp curves and complete darkness made her grip the steering wheel tight. If only another car would go past then perhaps she wouldn’t feel so alone and isolated. Their were no houses or lights. No town in sight. As the road weaved around the mountain she began to feel her heart pound against her chest. Now she felt even more frightened. It was beginning to feel like a horror movie come to life.

She was about to pull off the road and wake her companions when she caught sight of someone standing along the dark road. A man cloaked in darkness with a bag over his right shoulder and his thumb sticking out. As the headlights shone upon him she felt her blood run cold. He had an eerie most frightning look about him. Deep in her gut she felt a desperation to step on the accelerator and speed up. However she was fearful of the sharp winding curves. She drove right past him and took a quick glance in the rear view mirror. The hitchhiker was now standing in the middle of the road.

She kept on driving and silently prayed for daylight to emerge. She was beginning to wonder if this night would ever end. Infact she was beginning to wonder if the driving instructions from mapquest were even right. She was searching for another place to turn off when much to her horror she spotted him. The same hithhiker she had passed almost a mile back. It was impossible and she couldn’t help but let out a gasp. How could that same man be standing here? She kept on driving and glancing in the mirror saw him walk to the middle of the road and watch her.

She drove on and on for what felt like miles and around every curve she saw the same hitchhiker. As the gas gage neared the empty mark she began to panic. After spotting the same hitchhiker for the fourth time she let out a blood curdling scream which awoke her travel companions. Everyone jumped up startled and confused. She slammed on the brakes and sat shaking with fear. One of her friends agreed to take over and were stunned to see the same hitchhiker two more times on that desolate road. Finally dawn began to break and a town was finally in sight. Pulling off into a near-by gas station they were shocked to learn from the owner that road they had just traveled on was haunted. The hitchhiker was said to be the ghost of a psychotic killer who had murdered at least seven people before being hit and killed on that road.

The ghostly encounters only happened on Halloween night and it was a night of terror that they would never forget.

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