Progress: It’s More Than Completion, It’s All the Steps to Your Goal

Making progress in this life is more than setting goals and achieving them. Each step on the way to your goal is an achievement. It’s progress and should be embraced and celebrated. What I am saying is every small step in the right direction is progress. Look at it that way. Don’t be scared. It’s going to be fine. Remember what Neil Armstrong said? “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” If he could look at it that way, during what was the most dangerous environment humans had ever experienced. I know you can too. Any wrong move on his part would have been fatal, and he still celebrated one of the greatest achievements of humanity.

The trick for all of us is to continually move forward, maintain your momentum and don’t lag behind. In your personal life, in your career and in your relationships, it’s important to always be moving forward. Don’t be worried if you hit a roadblock on the way. It happens. Just detour around it. Constant re-evaluation of your goals and your steps to achieve them will make detours more like the scenic route than a nuisance- just like for an astronaut, only without the zero gravity and space ice cream. Take away your momentum and every facet of your life could be plagued by false starts and frustration that can become a very vicious circle that is hard to break away from.

Don’t be afraid take that step, then the one after it and the one after that. Soon it will be a habit, a good habit that will put you in good stead throughout your lifetime in everything you apply yourself to. Every step along the path should be celebrated and rewarded. This is called incentive. It does not have to be anything huge, but something small and enjoyable. I treat myself to a nice mocha coffee when I hit a step on my path. Doing this will make the journey so much more fun.

Start celebrating your successful steps on your journey to whatever goals you have set for yourself, reap the rewards and enjoy the trip.

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