Parenting Mistakes Aren’t the End of the World; They Only Feel like It

As a parent, it can be a challenge to determine what is the best way to parent your children and what you should avoid. I’m sure there were instances when you were growing up where you told yourself that you would never do that to your own children. However, when the time comes, you often find yourself parenting your children the same way your parents handled you. Along the way, you are bound to make some mistakes. I know that I have.


Now that my children have gotten older, I really wish I had assigned them chores long before now. Because they have gone so long without the responsibility of chores, it has become difficult to get them to help out. If I want them to do anything, I need to remind them. I realize that this is just the way kids are, but I can’t help but think it would’ve been easier if I had started them younger. I have a toddler as well, and I think I will get him started as soon as he’s old enough to avoid making that mistake again.

Just Say No

I always hated it when my mom would tell me, “Maybe next time” every time I asked for something at the store. This is one of those things I promised myself I wouldn’t do as a mom. The problem is, now I understand why. Money really doesn’t grow on trees and sometimes I just don’t want my kids to have something. At least not right then. However, after saying yes for so long, it has gotten really hard to say no. I really should have started saying no when they were younger so they wouldn’t expect so much now.

No More Babying

I didn’t have to baby my oldest. My second one came along not long after she turned 2 years old. I love the baby stages. I feel like I never want my kids to grow up. I know I’m not alone. However, I made the mistake of babying my second for too long. As a side effect, he has become quite attached to me. While it’s nice to feel so needed, sometimes I feel like he needs me too much. While I would never deny my kids the comfort or safety they need, I wish I wouldn’t have coddled him quite so much. Letting him live and learn would’ve helped him to become more independent. Now at 10, it’s hard to get him to play by himself.

We all try our hardest as parents and we all make mistakes. All we can do is move forward and learn from them. And help others learn from our mistakes as well.

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