One is Silver and the Other Gold

One is Silver, The Other Gold One of the four daily devotionals I read everyday is Ellen Miller’s Inspiration for Girlfriends.
This past week Ellen has shared about her grandmother’s group who called themselves the Forty-Two club. This group of friends got together at each others home for over twenty five years to play a game of dominoes. Twenty-five years..
As I read the devotionals this past week with a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, memories of a group of my own friends flooded my mind. We called ourselves the Golden Girls, after a popular TV show at the time. I don’t know why, we didn’t resemble any of the original golden girls, but perhaps because we were close friends. We met once a month for dinner to share what had happened over the past month. We talked about boyfriends, and then husbands, eventually children and grandchildren. We laughed at weddings, bridal showers, births, and hugged each other over illness and funerals. We shared concerns about our aging parents and their health issues, and finally we moved to the head of the line with our own health issues. Today we are spread out across the country. We were separated by jobs, the need to care for aging parents, or an opportunity to move to a warmer climate. The Golden Girls no longer pull out our calendars at the end of dinner to plan our next “meeting”. We do attempt to keep in touch and pray for each other, even though we are separated by miles.
I realized this week, after reading one of Ellen Miller’s devotions, how the Lord has orchestrated a “new group” of friends for me. One by one He arranged them all. We call ourselves the “Sista’s”. We are creating new memories as friends. I look forward to the precious moments we spend together, laughing and praying.
I have been more than blessed with friends. I thank the Lord everyday for the precious hearts He has brought into my life.
When I was in Girl Scouts we used to sing a song, “Make New Friends, but keep the old, One is Silver and the other gold.”

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