Nutrition Research Paper Topics and Ideas for High School or College Students

Have you been assigned to write a research paper for your nutrition class? Clueless on what to write about? Here are a few topics and ideas that might help.

Lycopene and Cancer Prevention

Lycopene is found in many foods, such as tomatoes. Studies have proven that it can help prevent several different types of cancer, such as prostate, breast, lung and stomach. You will find numerous journal articles and books on this topic. One link to start with is “Lycopene: Good for the Heart, Good for Health.”

Dangers of Consuming Fish During Pregnancy

Some types of fish have high levels of mercury. This has been shown to be harmful to developing fetuses during pregnancy. You will find lots of literature and resources on this topic. You might also try to get an expert quote from a local OB/GYN. The school nurse might even provide a quote as well.

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

This is a fun topic. There are many benefits of chocolate, such as it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. You can find several books on this subject such as “The Chocolate Therapist: A User’s Guide to the Extraordinary Benefits of Chocolate.”

Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding

A fourth topic to consider for your nutrition research paper is breastfeeding. You can discuss the benefits of breastfeeding a baby past the age of one. You will find extensive material on this topic at your local library and online. For an expert quote, contact a lactation specialist at a hospital. You might also try calling the coordinator of a La Leche League group in your area.

Diet and Depression

Another idea is to write about the link between poor diet and depression. You can also discuss foods that prevent depression and/or mental health issues. Begin by searching on Yahoo for “diet and depression” and you’ll find many articles.

These are just five ideas for your nutrition assignment. If you still can’t decide on a topic, visit the library and browse through nutrition books until you find a topic that fascinates you. Happy Writing!

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