Math Lesson Plan: How to Divide Two Digit Numbers

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to divide two digit numbers.

Lesson OpeningRefer back to multiplication and ask the children what was the most difficult part about multiplication of two numbers. Explain that just as long multiplication is split up into smaller, easier multiplication problems, long division is also split up. Remind the children about flashcards. Explain that some of the things we will be doing later on in the week will deal with the connection between multiplication and division. Explain that working on their multiplication flashcards will help their division.

Introduction of New MaterialThe children have already done long division, so explain that we are going to introduce division in a slightly different way than they are used to. Ask them what real life activities they associate with division. If they can’t think of any, which will probably be the case, that’s fine. You need candy for this one. Invite a child to the front of the classroom and tell the class that you are giving him twelve Hershey’s kisses. Then ask another child to join him in the front and ask them to share the kisses. You can bring 3,4, 6 and 12 children up to the front until they get the idea. Emphasize the idea of sharing. Put a long division problem on the board (54/3 = 18). The students have done this before, so have them talk you through it and do the division. Remind them of key terms: dividend and divisor. The divisor is outside of the house, so it needs a visor. The dividend is inside in the den. Do another long division problem.

Student Practice of New MaterialGive the students practice problems to do on their own.

ClosingRefer back to the concept that division is sharing. Ask them if they can name any important real life cases where division is important. Explain that for the US government, allocating resources evenly is extremely important.

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