It’s a Jubilee!

It’s something only the locals really know about and it happens in the middle of warm summer nights but every blue moon in Mobile Bay thousands of fish and crabs wash ashore. Last night according to sources and town talk somewhere off the shore of Fairhope there was a jubilee!

Word spreads fast and people come from all over to scoop up the free loot. Jubilees happen sporadically and rarely and are a natural phenomenon. No one has really ever been able to explain what causes a jubilee but it is believed to occur in the summer nights when the tide, winds and low oxygen force all the fish from the bottom of the Bay to the surface. Everyone in town runs out to the shore and if you don’t get there quick enough all of the good Gulf Coast seafood will be gone.

Unfortunately, I have never been able to experience a jubilee but on the last night of August, in the heat of the night, in the little town of Fairhope on the beach there was a festivity, a jubilee.

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