Is it Hunger or a Temporary Inconvenience?

Recently I underwent a medical procedure. Part of the preparation involved not eating anything substantial 24 hours prior. As one who savors the taste of food, this would prove to be a challenge for me.

I was able to consume limited flavors of gelatin and certain beverages. I could even enjoy a hearty bowl of bouillon. Sounds yummy doesn’t it? The choices weren’t very appealing to my active palate. I was just downright miserable with hunger.

Hold up, hold up. Did I just say that I was miserable with hunger? Shame on me! You see, I wasn’t really miserable but rather temporarily inconvenienced with the withdrawal of something that I was so used to having-food.

After some introspection and an attitude adjustment on my part, I began thinking about the people who wear hunger as an everyday garment. You know those of whom I speak. These are the ones that can be found on corners begging for money to buy food or worse yet dumpster diving for their next meal. I immediately became convicted of my taking for granted the blessing of having food in my refrigerator and freezer to be eaten and enjoyed. I imagined me being one of those people going asleep assaulted by the pangs of hunger.

Thankfully a light bulb went off in my head reminding me that I could and will contribute to an organization that specifically caters to those that are hungry such as a food pantry or even the local city union mission.

Perhaps I needed to go through that experience to serve as a reminder not to take things for granted that I have. Although I may not be able to give much I can and will do something for those in need. It’s those little somethings that can make a big difference.

While there are certainly interruptions in our lives, let’s be grateful that oftentimes they are temporary even though they may cause us a little inconvenience.


Personal experience and observation

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