How to Tell If a Guy is Playing Games

When in a relationship with a game player, it can be very hard to tell – at least at first. After all, why would someone that supposedly cares about his girlfriend or wife intentionally try to inflict emotional pain? A guy that really and truly loves his girlfriend or wife would not do this unless he has mental issues, but it takes all kinds to make the world go round. Read on to find out how to tell if a guy is playing games, and get out before wasting any more time with a chronic loser, a liar or someone else with other deal-breaking emotional problems or issues.

Is the Honeymoon Already Over?

People are on their best behavior in the beginning of any relationship – at least they should be. If the honeymoon appears to be over just weeks or even days after the initial date, watch out. The guy is most likely playing games. Men and women are equally guilty when it comes to playing games with a significant, or rather insignificant other, but this is a major red flag. Unless he is clueless when it comes to manners and politeness, run away as quickly as possible. Before long he will probably be playing other games, and his antics could become much more shocking.

Is His Behavior Hot and Cold?

When trying to figure out if a guy is playing games, think about his emotional behavior. Is it hot one day and cold the next? If you feel as if you are on an emotional roller coaster, rethink the relationship. When a guy mentions future plans in one breath and a future alone the next, forget about having any expectations – unless you do not mind gambling with your heart and your time. Either he is playing games or he does not know what he wants. He may not ever come around and decide to make a real commitment.

Does He Try to Make You Jealous?

A guy that is play games sometimes goes out of his way to make his girlfriend or wife jealous might seem as if he needs lessons in etiquette, but he might know exactly what he is doing. Some men go out of their way to make a woman jealous, and the reasons are not always clear. The article entitled When a Guy Tries to Make a Girl Jealous provides a number of possibilities when trying to tell if he really is playing games. In any case, a guy like this would not make a good boyfriend let alone a husband, and he will not likely ever change his disgusting ways.

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