How to Get Back on Track with Your Workouts

You wake up to do your morning workout, but your child comes into your room and tells you that they are sick. You immediately cancel and stay home. They how do you get back on track working out again? First stay on your nutrition plan. That is crucial. Without that, your health and body are suffering. Plus that reminds you to get right back on track again. Actually say that to yourself, even if you have to say it out loud. That can re-enforce you returning to your workouts the next day.

Have your support team in effect. When someone else is holding you responsible for your own workouts, your more likely to return to them. Keep positive people around you all the time. This way you’re more sure to head in the right direction for yourself. If those close to you are not very supportive, there are plenty of support groups on the internet, such as your facebook friends, fitness sites such as,, yahoo, and those at your local gym. With other fitness people around, you will be more motivated to workout. Also train with a friend, so that you are sure to go back.

Think of your goals and why you are doing this. If this is for your kids, this will keep you focused. Think of these things. Then go right back to it.

Exercises for everyone to do:

After a 6 minute warmup:

Squat crawls: Get in squat position. Make sure your back is flat. Eyes are focused straight ahead on the ceiling (for good posture) and that knees are aligned mid way inbetween your heels and instep. Definately do not have your knees going down over your toes. That can cause injury.

Then hold the squat position in line and crawl ahead four steps, then back four steps. Do this for a minute.

Jump Squats: 3X10: Go down in squat position, then thrust your arms up in the air, jump and return to squat position. That is one rep. Do 10 or more of these for three sets.

Lunges: Again, watch the knee alignment to make sure that they are not going down over the toes. Step out on the right foot first. Make a wide enought stance to lower the knee down to one inch over the floor. Eyes are focused ahead. Shoulders are down and relaxed. Do this 3X10 on each side.

Abs: Leg raises 3X20

Crunches 3X20

On both of these, have your eyes focused diagonally on the ceiling to keep the neck aligned. Lift with your abdominals.

Then warm down with your static stretches.

Go to it.

Susan Paduano

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