Happy Dead Birthday to Famous People Who Were Born on October 15

Famous Dead Birthdays is just what it sounds like. Dead Birthdays are birthdays of famous people who have a birthday, but have already passed. For example, Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 and he died on April 17, 1790. This means Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday is on January 17th. If Benjamin Franklin was still alive in 2011, he would be 304 Yrs. Old. Famous Dead Birthdays is a type of trivia. How old would a dead famous person be (on their birthday) if they were still alive?

Happy Dead Birthdays-70 Days Until Christmas

1785-1821 Jose Miguel Carrera, Chilean general and founding father

1858-1918 John L. Sullivan, American boxer and the first Heavyweight Champion and the first American athlete to earn one million dollars

1879-1967 Jane Darwell, Academy Award-winning American actress

1881-1975 P. G. Wodehouse, British novelist

1884-1910 Arch Hoxsey, pioneer aviator for the Wright Brothers

1894-1965 Moshe Sharett, second Prime Minister of Israel

1917-2007 Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. American historian and political commentator

1919-1985 Malcolm Ross, American balloonist and atmospheric physicist

1920-1999 Mario Puzo, American novelist, The Godfather

1926-2010 James E. Akins, American diplomat and adviser to Richard Nixon

Famous Dead Birthdays is just what it sounds like. Dead Birthdays are birthdays of famous people who have a birthday, but have already passed. For example, Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 and he died on April 17, 1790. This means Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday is on January 17th. If Benjamin Franklin was still alive in 2011, he would be 304 Yrs. Old. Famous Dead Birthdays is a type of trivia. How old would a dead famous person be (on their birthday) if they were still alive?

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