Guide to the P90X2 Workout DVDs

The P90X2 workout program is scheduled for release in December 2011 and is available for pre-order from and Beachbody coaches. Unlike the P90X system, P90X2 is comprised of 12 DVDs and only requires you to work out five times per week with two recovery days, instead of six times per week with one recovery day.

If you’ve been thinking about investing in the P90X2 workout program, make sure you know what types of workouts you will be performing and what type of equipment you will need before you begin. Here’s a brief overview of the 12 DVDs and workouts in the P90X2 workouts system:

The Different Types of P90X2 Workouts

The P90X2 workout program is comprised of the following DVDs:

– How to “Bring It” Again – an introduction to the P90X2 workout program

– Recovery and Mobility – emphasizes the importance of stretching and recovery as you work through the entire workout program

– Chest, Back & Balance – includes ball push-ups and several moves from the original P90X workout program

– PAP Upper – Post Activation Potentiation exercises with an emphasis on the upper body

– PAP Lower – Post Activation Potentiation exercises with an emphasis on the lower body

– Plyocide – much like the Plyometrics in P90X except with more jumps and side to side movements. This doubles as an intense cardio workout

– Base & Back – Tony Horton describes this routine as the “mother of all workouts”. It’s the most intense of all workouts and includes a combination of pullups and plyometric work

– Balance & Power – designed to build up core strength much like Core Synergestics in P90X, except this routine includes several balance and strength exercises

– Yoga – an extended stretching and deep breathing routine with an emphasis on flow yoga techniques

-Ab Ripper – focused entirely on the abs and your core muscles, and incorporates many of the moves from the P90X ab routine

-Total Body – a combination workout that includes balance ball push-ups, pull-ups and variations of the classic bicep curl and other strengthening exercises

– Shoulders & Arms – an intense upper body workout that will help to increase strength in your shoulders, triceps, biceps and chest area

– X2 Core – designed to be the next level of core work that you did in the P90X system. This includes a combination of plyo exercises and core strengthening moves for another total body routine

Additional P90X2 Workouts

If you purchase the Deluxe or Ultimate editions of P90X2, you’ll receive the 12 DVDs plus two bonus DVDs that include the following workouts:

– V Sculpt – focuses on the back and biceps to shape and sculpt your upper body to create that coveted “V” shape.

– X2 Chest, Shoulder & Tri – very similar to the chest and shoulders workout in P90X but different routines and sequences. This will also help to sculpt and tone your upper body.

You can still get a great workout with just the basic 12 DVD set and will go through three phases – Foundation, Strength and Performance. Whether your goal is to increase strength and gain muscle mass, or just get in great shape for the New Year, the P90X2 workout program is designed to help you get results in just 90 days.

Sources: – P90X2 Workout

The Straight Dope by Steve Edwards – P90X2: Buying the System

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