Goodbye, Friend

You called and told me I bothered you.
It was unexpected; I stammered “Goodbye!”
“Understand?” I heard, hanging up. I knew

The time had come, as I feared. You outgrew
Your need for me, the love in endless supply
I’d provided. Locked telephonically, we two,

Would bitch and shout, curse our stars, and mewl,
Troubled, seeking comfort, the shoulder to cry
On. Now, time with your confessor you eschew,

Resentful, you’ll not bend your knee ‘fore my pew.
Your escape, now, reality. Fugitive, you fly
From the boundary, a ragged clothesline that blew

In my torrents of hot air. Determined, you slew
Your affection for me, and disdaining me, you shy
Away from our past, running to embrace the new

Unknown, leaving me in a funk dyed indigo blue.
I put pen to paper, no longer the stand-by
Lover. Lost, here alone, my exiled state I rue;
no chance to explain. Goodbye, my friend. Adieu.

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