Fall – the Best Time to Visit Your Local Greenhouse for Huge Savings

Not only is Fall a great time to plant your trees for your area (trees are hardy all through winter and greehouses only sell foliage that is appropriate for their climate), but Fall is the best time to purchase trees as well. Find out why Fall is the time to visit your local greenhouse and get your yard looking the way you’ve always wanted it to!

Can anyone say, S-A-V-I-N-G-S? Greenhouses don’t want to have to store plants and trees for the winter, so Fall is the best time to buy. Huge sales abound, and with trees being so pricey during the Spring and Summer, you can get your trees now in the Fall at a huge discount. Plus, you can stock up on other plants that you can house indoors and then replant in the Spring at a super savings! Or, you can just plant your plants outdoors, and they will return in the Spring once Winter hits!

You get hardier stock. These plants and trees have been lovingly cared for by professionals all Spring and Summer long, so what you buy is going to be great quality and health, more likely than not. The trees are going to be root-bound, the plants are bound to have a great root structure. A root-bound tree is a tree that will survive well in your yard, particularly if you plant it yourself. The roots are plentiful and able to take hold in your new soil, and the tree will be more likely to hold its own weight without support. Trees planted in Spring and Summer are far more fragile. You get a steal by buying trees in particular in the Fall- a mature tree is a great deal for you.

Better chance of your plants surviving the Winter. So not only do you get your plants and trees at a super discount savings because your local greenhouse wants to get rid of them before Winter comes, you get a plant that is hardier and healthier to begin with, but your plant or tree is more likely to survive the Winter too? Well, hot damn! Due to human error (and neglect) many trees and plants purchased and planted in the Spring and Summer don’t come back the next year. When purchased in Fall and planted in Fall, these already hardy plants and trees transplanted into your yard stand a super chance of making it through their first Winter in your yard simply because they were more mature when they hit your yard to begin with. So, Fall is absolutely the best time to buy, to plant, and to enjoy your trees in particular, and all your plants in general!


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