Enlarge a Woman’s Button-Down Shirt

Don’t you hate it when you go to put on your favorite shirt and it no longer fits? What happened? Well, we don’t necessarily have to analyze that right now; we just need to focus on how to make that shirt fit. If it’s a button-down shirt you can easily make it a little larger or much larger. And, at the same time, you’ll give the shirt a slightly different look. Just use a second shirt to make the first shirt larger and you’ll create a layered appearance that’s fashionable and larger than it was originally.

Choose a shirt that will coordinate with the button-down shirt. This shirt can be a tank top, a t-shirt, or a stretch knit shirt. Make sure this shirt is not longer than the button-down shirt. Put the shirt on a hanger then hang the button-down shirt on over it. Position the shirts so that the buttons and buttonholes are well separated with the new shirt showing between them. How much of the new shirt that shows is up to you, depending on how many extra inches you need to add to the shirt. Hang the shirts up somewhere so that you can work on them right in front of you.

Pin the two shirts together at the button and buttonhole areas. Pin all the way down the button placket, then down the buttonhole placket. Remove the shirts from the hanger and turn them inside-out. Cut away the new shirt except at the areas where it is pinned to the button-down shirt. Leave a quarter-inch or so extra, on each side of the shirt, to allow for the seam.

There is often two sets of stitches on the button placket and two rows of stitches on the buttonhole side. Go to the outside set of stitches – the side that is closet to the side seam, and sew down that row of stitches to connect the two shirts. Do this to the button and buttonhole plackets. This will leave the very edges of the button-down shirt somewhat open and creates a smooth, layered look.

It’s so easy to sew the new shirt to the old one and make the button-down shirt larger. When you’re finished it really looks like you’re wearing one shirt over the other. Now, instead of having a closet full of shirts that don’t fit you, you’ll have a whole new wardrobe that you’ll be proud to wear.

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