Dare to Be Magnetic?

You may have tried for years to find success as a coach. You’ve tested all the strategies, attended as many networking meetings and lectures as possible, and you still haven’t found a way to get more clients and make a living out of your coaching.

As much as you may not admit it, the reason why you didn’t achieve what you wanted is not out there; the reason is YOU. As long as you become accustomed to failure and lack confidence in your own abilities, you will never become successful and develop the coaching business you want. I know, because people are afraid to be successful. They are so used to failure and disappointment, that when good things happen they think it’s unreal, or that they don’t deserve it. But that can change for sure.

Not everyone who has made it in this business is a genius. Not everyone has made it from the start. But what changed them from a struggling coach into a successful entrepreneur is that they believed in themselves and were certain they would make it…. Big Time.

Always remember that you are good at what you do. You have skills and talents no-one else has. Use them in your coaching programmes, products, in your interaction with your clients and that will bring you closer to your goals.

Do not compare yourself with anyone else and do not try to measure your value in comparison. You are unique, what you have is yours, you are the one whom people come to because you are good at what you do.

Do not underestimate yourself!

You have come this far, give yourself a little credit for that, do not underestimate yourself!

The clients will feel that and will do the same thing. They will not pay you for your true value because they only want to work with the best, with those who are confident and are aware of their own value and potential. Think and act accordingly and your clients will be inspired and motivated to reach their goals too, with your help, of course.

Always believe that you deserve to be successful and believe that you deserve to get a lot of clients and a flourishing coaching business. There will be many times when accepting your true message is to face the fear that you don’t deserve it, the internal conflict kicks in saying: “Who am I to pretend this?”, “What are people going to think?”, “Why me?”. It is not easy to be true to yourself, especially if it means revealing your talent with confidence and ease.

Dare to be yourself!

Yes, it may be difficult at first to reach within your true self, but once you’ve done that, nothing and no-one can stop you from becoming who you want to be and achieving what you want.

Do not listen to others and try to change yourself. It is YOUR life, your business and your personality must be reflected in everything you do. Your clients will sense immediately if you pretend to be someone you’re not. They always go to those professionals who are true to themselves and true to their clients. Be honest and keep it simple, and they will be drawn towards you. Your confidence will reassure them that you are the one they must work with.

Take a chance on yourself

Do not be afraid to take chances. So you failed once or twice. It happens to all of us and that can be a useful learning experience. Take a chance on yourself and your clients will do that too. Your clients are always looking for role models, motivators, and you can be the first to inspire them by your own true experiences. Once they know you have also experienced failure, but believed in yourself and believed you could do it, they will know they can do it too and realise all their dreams.

This is the huge advantage you have over your competition: yourself. You know what you can do, how to do it, you rely on yourself and that must be reflected in your message to your clients, whether it is through your website, your programmes, products or conferences. People will be drawn towards you by the force and confidence your message sends out, and that is being MAGNETIC.

Now that your confidence has reached a new high, it is time to create your own Magnetic Message for your clients. Let me help you with that, by offering a free copy of my “Discover Your Magnetic Message” document at http://coachingandsuccess.com.

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