Cutting Out the Unhealthy Snacks!

Isn’t the world a fantastic place to live in! If there is something that we want, we go out and we buy it. If there is something that we need, we go out and we buy it. If there is something that we want or something that we need but we don’t have the cash for it at that point in time, we still go out and we buy it, only this time we charge it to our credit card!

We just do not deny ourselves anything at all, do we? We work all week, so it’s nice to make yourself happy buy buying things you either need or want. Why should we deny ourselves of anything when it feels so good right? I’m sorry to say, but I’m afraid this is wrong!

I’m sure most of you are aware, ‘feeling good about ourselves’ and ‘something being good for us’ are 2 entirely separate things. As the old saying goes, ”a minute on the lips is a lifetime on the hips!”

Never has there been a truer word said. Sure it tastes fantastic right there in the moment, but what you are doing without even realizing is sabotaging your whole outlook on how you see yourself, your eating habits and your lifestyle. That few moments of instant gratification could have cost you a lot more than you would have hoped.

In reality, it has probably cost you to put on a few extra pounds. Just having the unhealthy snack just ‘that one time’ never turns out to be ‘that one time’, meaning you will continue to have these unhealthy snacks periodically which in turn sees you gaining a few pounds. It will also make you feel pretty down as you have just cheated on your weight loss program, which will then see you carrying on for the rest of the day eating unhealthy food. You will more than likely be saying to yourself ”well I’ve already had one unhealthy snack today, what’s the difference if I have another!?” Before you know it, you have eaten way more than you intended for the day which very well could snowball in to the following days, weeks, months or even years. So, was it worth it?

If you paid a visit to your local doctor and he advised you that if you we’re to eat the chocolate bar you have in your hand, it would end up with you keeling over and writhing in agony on the floor at some point during the course of the day, would you still go right ahead and eat that chocolate bar you had planned to eat once you left the doctor’s office? I bet you wouldn’t, and quite rightly so. No sane person in their right mind would do anything that will cause them great physical pain. Well, here is the wake up call, eating that bar of chocolate will not cause you to physically keel over, but it will cause your ‘mind’ to by running these negative thoughts through your brain:

Why am I such a failure?

Why can I never stick to doing anything I try?

I don’t think I will ever lose weight!

Nothing I ever try works for me!

I am always going to be overweight!

No one wants to hear those thoughts in their head, that much negativity is enough to send anyone to the ice cream store. So we ask ourselves again, was that unhealthy snack really worth all this trouble? Absolutely not!

If we can just take a moment to take a look at ourselves and the situation we find ourselves in, just before we are about to indulge in the unhealthy snack, and think about all the negatives that come a long with that few moments of pleasure, we will absolutely eat less and less of them as time goes on. Training your brain to know what’s right and what’s wrong with regards to your eating habits will benefit you greatly in your goal to losing weight.

Enjoy and good luck guys!

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