College Acceptance Checklist: Performing Arts

When deciding what college to attend, it can be a lot of work and a really tough decision. For an aspiring actor, it can be even tougher. Just applying for colleges is twice as difficult as other fields. It involves traveling to the schools, participating in high intensity, high stress auditions, filling out a normal application, often times a specialized application, and sometimes even callbacks.

Most seniors in high school aspiring to act, as myself, are grateful just to get accepted to one college, considering the amount of effort and commitment it takes just to apply and audition, but often times we are presented with choices. Tuition, often high, housing, distance from home, and school reputation are just some of the things that play in to consideration.

Before I could decide, I had to consider the two most important things to me: What assistance can I get in paying tuition and is the school in a location where I can launch my acting career simultaneously? I find it vital to determine how much financial aid can be provided, what scholarships and grants can be obtained, and what the possibility of using student loans are. As an actor, I would prefer to be as close to New York City or Los Angeles as possible, to break into the Theater or Film scene as soon as possible. This played a huge part in my decision.

A less important, but nonetheless relevant consideration, is the school’s reputation and social scene. What is the school know for? What specific programs? Is it a party school or high academic succeeding school? Things such as the school’s student body’s diversity and things to do around campus were also a big consideration for me.

My parent’s opinions don’t have a huge affect on my choice, I will probably make a decision independent of influences from friends and family. I also didn’t apply to any “safety schools,” as I had no desire to attend somewhere I consider a “safety school.” I feel like rather than a negative quality, what compelled me to make these choices is something all performers have in common: daringness and a free spirit.

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