Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School Lesson Plan: Chapter 2 of 12

Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 2 of 12

Introduction to Series and Learning Objectives

Middle School students who participate in this set of twelve lesson plans focusing on Bullies, Bystanders of Bullying, and Victims of bullying-type behavior will receive the following benefits:

(1) They will become skilled in using the eight (8) tools of Anger Control developed by Dr. Tony Fiore. (Many thanks goes to Dr. Tony Fiore, also known as the Anger Coach, for freely providing these techniques to my readers. See more info about him in resource section.)

(2) Students who have been identified as bullies should decrease the instances of bullying-type behavior.

(3) Victims of bullying and bystanders of bullying will increase their ability to defuse bullying-type behavior.

(4) Students will increase their feelings of empathy for self and others.


The stories included in these twelve lesson plans revolve around about a dozen each of seventh-grade bullies, bystanders of bullying, and victims of bullying who all attend a middle school we will call Kennedy Middle School or KMS. Both the story characters and the middle school are a product of the imagination of Debbie Dunn – a Conflict Resolution and Anti-Bullying Specialist since 1998; however, the actual bullying events are based on composite stories of real things that happen in middle schools across the country.

Debbie Dunn has been a professional storyteller since 1989. Since 1980, she has been a certified teacher of K-3 and 1-8. She taught elementary school for seven years; traditional middle school for two years; and conflict resolution, character education, and communication skills to over 500 middle school students a year for five years until a budget-cut eliminated most of the school’s special programs. Facilitating young people to deal with bullying-type behavior is one of her greatest passions in life.

These twelve lesson plans are self-contained. All stories, role-plays, discussion questions, and teaching posters are included as one of your free benefits of visiting this site and being one of my many readers. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions.


Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 2 of 12

© 2011 by Debbie Dunn

In this second chapter, students will review Anger Cues and Anger Styles. They will learn about recognizing stress (i.e., the first tool of the Eight (8) Tools of Anger Control by Dr. Tony Fiore), the Anger Continuum, and the FIGHT, FLIGHT, FREEZE, SELF MENTOR continuum. They will also get to know more about Nick Sanders and some other seventh graders at KMS.


Posters needed for the Chapter 2 lessons

Poster: 8 Tools of Anger Control by Dr. Tony Fiore

Please note: This will print on 3 pieces of paper. You might want to tape the 3 pages together to make one big poster.

Poster: Anger Cues
Poster: Four Anger Styles Poster: Where do you fall on the Anger Continuum? Poster: Fight – Flight – Freeze – Self-Mentor Continuum


Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Chapter 2: Part 1 of 6

Part 1: Story called “Nick and Jordy are feeling Stressed”

A. Teacher reads story to class called “Nick and Jordy are feeling Stressed.”

B. Story Description: Seventh-grader Nick Sanders is feeling stressed about what happened with his two older brothers. He is feeling stressed about Judd Ford’s strange behavior at lunch. He is feeling stressed about the possibility of losing face in front of his two friends. He is also feeling stressed because he had counted on being the biggest bully in the seventh grade. Now, instead, he is going to have to worry that Judd Ford might decide to try to bully him.

As for Jordy Gibson, he is feeling stressed and hungry as he has two bullies competing to see who can steal his lunch money first: Nick Sanders and Judd Ford. Thanks to his buddy, Bill Davidson, he will at least get to eat a leftover roll.

Click link to read “Part 1 of 6″ in the Chapter 2 section of the Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Series.


Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Chapter 2: Part 2 of 6

Part 2: Class discussion about the Anger Trigger of feeling Stressed and Anger Styles

A. Students will discuss the Anger Trigger of feelings stressed.

B. Students will discuss the two kinds of stress plus the Anger Continuum poster. They will also analyze what might trigger their own feelings of anger and stress.

C. Students will discuss the Anger Styles employed by Nick, Jason, Blake, and Jordy. Additionally, they will analyze what Anger Styles they employ when feeling stressed.

Click link to read “Part 2 of 6″ in the Chapter 2 section of the Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Series.


Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Chapter 2: Part 3 of 6

Part 3: Story called “Mr. Campbell’s class learns about Fight, Flight, or Freeze”

A. Teacher reads story to class called “Mr. Campbell’s class learns about Fight, Flight, or Freeze.”

B. Story Description: A professional storyteller is invited to Mr. Campbell’s Communication Skills class to tell them a story and to help him teach his students about our Fight, Flight, or Freeze instinct.

Click link to read “Part 3 of 6″ in the Chapter 2 section of the Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Series.


Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Chapter 2: Part 4 of 6

Part 3: Story called “Mr. Campbell’s class and the Wild Boar Tale”

A. Teacher reads story to class called “Mr. Campbell’s class and the Wild Boar Tale.”

B. Story Description: As the professional storyteller’s visit to Mr. Campbell’s class continues, she performs the story that helps illustrates the Fight, Flight, or Freeze instinct called “The Wild Boar.” Afterward, the students discuss the story. The storyteller leads a discussion on discovering what our “tiger in the hole” or ‘back story’ is that often motivates our actions. Several students either inwardly think about their own ‘tiger in the hole’ or share it out loud with the class. Bill, who has always silently stood by when bullying has occurred, reveals that his fifth-grade cousin had attempted to kill herself due to excessive bullying by some of her classmates. This has made him decide that although he does not plan to be a snitch, he will no longer be a silent bystander of bullying-type behavior. He plans to try to find a way to do something about it. The class concludes with a discussion about Responsible Reporting versus snitching.

Click link to read “Part 4 of 6″ in the Chapter 2 section of the Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Series.


Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Chapter 2: Part 5 of 6

Part 5: Class discussion about Anger Cues

A. Students will discuss their ‘tiger in the hole’ or ‘back story’.

B. Students will discuss what role they should play when they witness bullying-type behavior taking place.

Click link to read “Part 5 of 6″ in the Chapter 2 section of the Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Series.


Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Chapter 2: Part 6 of 6

Part 6: Role-play called “Chapter 2: Bullies, Victims, & Bystanders at Kennedy Middle School”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Chapter 2: Bullies, Victims, & Bystanders at Kennedy Middle School.”

B. By clicking this link, you will get directions plus the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use.

Click link to read “Part 6 of 6″ in the Chapter 2 section of the Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Series.


Resources for the Teacher and Parents:

The eight (8) tools of anger management and control were developed by Dr. Tony Fiore. Dr. Fiore is also known as the Anger Coach. Among other things, Dr. Fiore is a licensed psychologist, marriage therapist, and certified anger management provider.

URL: http://www.angercoach.com/

The 8 Tools of Anger Control plus much of the other Anger Control material is also adopted with permission from the programs of The Anger Coach produced by psychologist Dr. Tony Fiore.

URL: http://drfiore.com For daily anger tips, follow him on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/angercoachonline.
For adult anger management online, visit http://www.angercoachonline.com


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Do you have a question or comment? Feel free to post it in the comment box below. I will respond. Or you can contact me directly at [email protected].


All 12 Chapters:

Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 1 of 12 Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 2 of 12 (see above) Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 3 of 12 Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 4 of 12 Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 5 of 12 Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 6 of 12 (coming soon) Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 7 of 12 (coming soon) Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 8 of 12 (coming soon) Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 9 of 12 (coming soon) Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 10 of 12 (coming soon) Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 11 of 12 (coming soon) Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims Middle School lesson plan: Chapter 12 of 12 (coming soon)


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