As I Remember

I didn’t know anyone caught in the twin towers, I didn’t know anyone on the aircraftes being used as weapons. Yet to this day I can remember how it felt to have my heart break. I didn’t think about the millions of people who was seeing the same images on television, I felt only my grief. How can something so terrible be happening in my country? How can this happen on such a pretty day.
I sat in front of my television for hours on end, reliving every second of that horrible sight. I called my husband my brothers, my neighbors my friends. I had to know they were okay…My husband was in Virgina when this nightmare began. I was so afraid, althoughI knew he was no where near the center of this holocust. As the images kept playing out on Televison in front of me i began to think about those poor doomed people. I began to feel the anger at the people who would dare to do this. Tears began to flow not for me but for those who were lost and those who searched hoping to find those they loved and lost.
Now, ten years later I see and hear my fellow Americans acting like fools, cursing our govenment, disrespecting our president. Using racial slurs. Where is the unity? Have we so soon forgotten the strength we shared that day and for many days after. We saw strangers crying in each other’s arms as those who were trapped in the towers perished and firefighters and police stood in hoplessness. That day and for weeks, even years later race, religion or poltical beliefs did not enter, we were all one peron an American. Where did that unity go?.
In these hard times where thousands of people are without work and the thousands who have lost their homes, where is that unity? As we begin the task of choosing a new president there has only been hate and name calling, without real conversation and peaceful debate. Where is the unity.
Today we remember that awful day we stand shoulder to shoulder in rememberance and once more we stood as a people undivided by religion political view or race. Today we just mour and pray and comfort each other.
There is unity. Lets keep unity alive. Vote for who you think will be a good leader of our great nation, but lets do it without racist remarks and expressions of hate. Hate brought down the twin towers, hate murdered thousands. It’s time to set the hate aside. It’s time to reach out to your neighbor, to reach out a hand to help a stranger.It’s times for us to cling to the unity we found that day.

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