5 Tips for Living a Longer and Healthier Life

Need some advice on how to live longer, healthier and happier? Everyone wants to slow aging and prolong their life as much as possible. Most of the things you can do to achieve this are simple lifestyle choices that are completely within your control. Here are five tips you can use to help you find your way to a better life.

1. Go to Bed Early and Wake Up Early

When you go to bed early, you ensure that you will get plenty of sleep during the night and will be able to wake up feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Waking up early gives you time in the morning to exercise before you begin your day which builds endorphins and gives you energy throughout the rest of your day. People who tend to follow this type of schedule report feeling more refreshed, energized, and happy throughout their day.

2. Eat Breakfast Daily

Breakfast should be the heaviest meal of your day. It should be packed with plenty of calories to keep you going for the entire day. Then follow with a moderate lunch and a light dinner. Europeans follow this type of diet and have a lower prevalence of obesity and follow a more active and healthy lifestyle. Be sure to also include fiber into your diet so that constipation stays at bay, you’re more regular and your blood sugar is regulated.

3. Exercise

One of the best things you can do for your health is to exercise daily. About 30 minutes a day, at least five days a week is enough to make you feel great. Not only does this build endorphins, it also keeps your joints and muscles strong and limber. Cardiovascular health is also greatly improved by exercise which increases your longevity. People who exercise daily generally report that they feel better and have more energy.

4. Use Your Brain

Don’t watch mind numbing television all day long, but exercise those brain muscles. Do crosswords, word finds, or any other activity that uses your brain and causes you to think. This stimulates those neurons to stay connected and could potentially fight of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Besides, you don’t waste time watching television all day when there are so many other things you could spend your time doing.

5. Have Plenty of Sex (With one Partner)

Sex is actually a natural stress buster and stimulates endorphins that make you feel good. Having sex with the same partner helps ensure long, safe and fulfilling sex. Multiple partners can leave a person feeling shallow and unfulfilled. However, building a strong relationship with one person can actually lead to health and happiness.

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