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Is H1N1 really a big Deal

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The reason there is so much fear is for a couple of reasons – it’s new and no one has any latent immunity to this particular strain, whereas with seasonal flu it’s always a mutated form (a sister or cousin strain, if you will) from previous years’. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-h1n1-really-a-big-deal ]
More Answers to “Is H1N1 really a big Deal
Is the swine flu or H1N1 really a big deal?
The media and government are making it into a big deal because it’s a new thing. There are deaths associated, but every year there are deaths with the regular flu as well. ChaCha!
Are you worried, scared of the H1N1 (swine) flu or is it no big d…?
If you are weak or have some sort of immune deficiency, it might kill you. On the other hand you just might get the flu and be done with it. Now the reaslly interesting ones (and something to think about given the government is basically di…
What’s the big deal about H1N1?
H1N1 is a new form of the flu virus. Because it is new, we don’t have any immunity to it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is H1N1 (Swine Flu) really all that bad? Or is the media making a big deal?
Q: It seems to me that everywhere i go or anything i read has a mention of Swine FLU! Is it REALLY that bad?
A: They are making a big deal out of it.Of course they are! They need money for stupid little stories such as this. If the problem was so serious then why would there be shots out there that make you immune to it?A reporter isn’t going to care if we panic! They are going to be too busy counting up their cash from such a good story that gets everyone talking about it. If it was so serious, the president would pull out some type of red flag warning to everyone. Resident Evil type of stuff were we lock down the infected to prevent it from getting spread around. But we’re just letting the sick ones roam around freely and hoping that they don’t pass it on. It’s not serious, but I mean be careful still. No one wants to be sick!If anything, you should be more worried about the seasonal flu, it causes more deaths.
Is The H1N1 Flu A Big Deal?
Q: I Dont Think Its A Big Deal My Son Is 12 And He Feels Fine Every Day Has a Weak Cough. I Think Its Just To Make Us Healthy And Natural Seletion. Is It Really that Big Of A Deal In Canada? Should My Son Get The H1N1 Shot?
A: it is NOT a big deal at all i have already had the swine flu and it is not that bad at all…. dont worry bout it. the media makes a big deal over it just because its a new strain of flu. dont live life in fear. as long as your son is healthy i would not recommend the H1N1 vaccinne, because in the past it has ben led to nuerological health poblems. youll be fine!
Why is H1N1 such a big deal?
Q: Okay. So maybe it’s a stupid question. But you tune to the news and they’re broadcasting about H1N1, expecting you to run in horror but don’t really specify why. Yes. It has killed people.But so has the good ol’ average flu.So what makes this H1N1 Flu a big bad wolf compared to what millions of Americans get every annual flu season?
A: It’s already been proven through extensive studies that it is highly unlikely that H1N1 will recombine with seasonal flu. It’s actually believed it will dominate seasonal flu and be the predominant strain. There is little fear that it will mutate into a more virulent or dangerous strain.The reason there is so much fear is for a couple of reasons – it’s new and no one has any latent immunity to this particular strain, whereas with seasonal flu it’s always a mutated form (a sister or cousin strain, if you will) from previous years’. That means if you get the flu one year and a very similar strain goes around the following year it’s unlikely you would catch it, or it would be mild if you did. The other reason – it’s killing an entirely different age group than seasonal flu. People are more afraid when the flu kills previously healthy teenagers than when it kills the elderly and infirmed or premature babies. It’s important, however, to keep things in perspective. There are only two ways to get any type of flu. They aren’t as easy to catch as the common cold because they don’t live on surfaces near as long, the infectious droplets don’t spread as far nor last as long in the air. If you take common sense precautions and exercise a bit of personal hygiene you can pretty much avoid getting any type of flu:1. Don’t touch your hands to your eyes, nose or mouth if they are not clean.2. Sanitize faucet handles and door knobs in your house after returning from the store, school or work. 3. Use waterless hand sanitizer when out in public when washing hands is not possible, but bear in mind it’s not a substitute for hand washing with warm water and soap so you still want to be mindful of keeping your hands away from your face.4. Don’t expose yourself to large crowds where the potential for having an ill person cough or sneeze near you is present. Maintain a good distance between yourself and people you suspect are ill if at all possible. 5. Wash your hands for at least 22 seconds with warm water and soap and dry off with clean paper towels, as hand towels harbor germs and bacteria. 6. Stay at home or keep your kids home if you are ill. I know in today’s economy many people are left with no choice – go to work sick, or call in and lose your job. With that said, many parents send their kids to school sick for convenience reasons rather than out of dire necessity and many people work sick to play the hero or martyr.
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