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Is a stomache ache included with the swine flu

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is a stomache ache included with the swine flu”,you can compare them.

Yes, stomach ache, diarrhea, and vomiting are all symptoms of the H1N1 virus (swine flu). Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-a-stomache-ache-included-with-the-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “Is a stomache ache included with the swine flu
Is a stomache ache included with the swine flu
Yes, stomach ache, diarrhea, and vomiting are all symptoms of the H1N1 virus (swine flu). Thanks for using ChaCha!

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Question about possible food poisoning including beer?
Q: Has anyone ever drank a possibly rotten beer? Last night I had two beers and a shot of scotch. I remember when I finished one of the beers I thought to myself “I’m not buying these kind again, that one tastes like ****” They were Pabst beers. About 30 minutes after I drank the beer I got a severe stomach ache like 8 out of 10 pain. About an hour later I started puking. I’d puke, then drink a little water, then repeat. That happened 4 times in an hour before the diarehha hit. After that I said good night to everyone and went to bed, where I woke up two hours later with really bad body aches, I mean terribe, my whole body, stomache pain, chills, and had to puke and poop again. After that I went to the hospital to rule out swine flue. At the hospital I puked and pooped again. I didn’t tell the doctor about the beer. The doctor ruled out swine flu and told me I just had a upset stomach, gave me some type of medicene that helps stop the puking, and called it good. Aftter takin gthe medicene I didn’t puke anymore but pooped like every 30 minutes all night long and as of now still have the body aches, stomach pain, and diarrea, but no puking. Now for the main question, what do you think caused this? The only thing I can think of is that one of those beers (they came out of a 30 pack) was rotten. Both were unopened and kept cold. What else could it be? It’s not the scotch because my friend had some as well and didn’t get sick. Think I got a rotten beer? Has this happened to you ever?
A: It’s most unlikely to be the beer dear. One of the reason beer became popular centuries ago was precisely because it would not cause poisoning like bad water could.It’s most probably something you ate.
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