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How did they come up with the name H1N1

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H1N1, also known as A(H1N1), is a subtype of influenza virus A and the most common cause of influenza (flu) in humans ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-did-they-come-up-with-the-name-h1n1 ]
More Answers to “How did they come up with the name H1N1
How did they come up with the name H1N1
H1N1, also known as A(H1N1), is a subtype of influenza virus A and the most common cause of influenza (flu) in humans ChaCha

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

2 Questions H1N1: If the Government didn’t know anything about the H1N1 virus then who came up with that name?
Q: Also if The Government didn’t know where the virus came from or how to get rid of it then how did They inject People with the virus itself?
A: The Centers for Disease Control (Atlanta, GA) has of course been monitoring this disease — that’s why U.S. taxpayers trust in federal response to disasters — H1N1 refers to that virus’ DNA components as far as its genetics and the DNA tags — H1N1 is a more technical kind of jargon than the “swine flu” since the connection to farms and pigs/hogs was only as far as how it was detected as something shared by such mammals in the animal kingdom getting such a virus.People are injected with a vaccine — study what that means before you presume that government workers (They as you put it) inject people with it. . .
Sinus infections – where do they come from and what are they?
Q: Yesterday I got a horribly sore throat, my sinuses were draining down my throat and I had a bad headache. When I started experiencing dizzy spells, I thought I better call the doc. I felt more awful than I’ve felt in a very long time and it came on faster than ever before. This question is two-part:1. Doc looked in my throat, nose and ears and said it looked like I have a sinus infection and prescribed some sort of Amoxycillin. (Not sure what the exact name was). Are these types of infection related to allergies? If they’re not viral and not passed thru a virus, how does one get this? I’m trying to figure out what I did and what I need to avoid in future. I have allergies to about everything in the outdoor world but practically live outdoors. Also, with all the H1N1 flu scares if I just cough or blow my nose at work now everybody is anxious – a sinus infection can’t be passed right?2. The doctor said she can’t see in my ears due to the wax to see if there was an ear infection. I clean my ears all the time with a Q-tip. They seem to get a lot of wax and sometimes get itchy, I assume due to allergies. What’s a better way to get rid of the wax and will doing so open me up to more problems or does the wax buildup play a part in allergies or this infection somehow?Any help is appreciated.
A: Your sinuses are cavities in the skull that communicate with your nasopharynx and are lined with mucous membranes. An allergic response produces changes in the tissues that leave them more susceptible to invasion by bacteria and viruses that produce infection.So you not only deal with the symptoms brought on by the allergy, but also the infections that develop secondary to the allergic response. If you have chronic post-nasal drainage, whereby exudate is constantly draining at the back of your throat, you may have a chronic sinusitis, or sinus infection. Whether or not a sinus infection can be passed to others depends on the virus or bacterium that is causing it. When you blow your nose forcibly, it can open the eustachian tubes. They connect your middle ear cavity to the back of your throat in the nasopharynx. The exudate in your sinuses can be forced through the eustachian tubes into your middle ear when you blow your nose, producing middle ear effusion or infection. Since the middle ear cavity is bordered by the eardrum to separate it from the external ear canal, your doctor can’t evaluate a bulging eardrum from middle ear infection if he/she can’t see the eardrum when your ear is examined. So, getting the wax removed effectively is important. The eardrum protects the middle ear, so you don’t need the wax for that. But if you get too much fluid or pus within the middle ear, the eardrum may rupture.There are procedures to assist with draining sinuses in cases of chronic sinusitis, and you need to investigate further with your doctor, or ENT specialists, to get some help.If you have a problem with excessive earwax, an ear specialist can do the wax removal for you. Or, you can try using one of the kits available for lavaging the ear to remove wax. The Q-tip is not a good idea, since you may be forcing wax further into the canal, and up against the eardrum.
Question about this so called swine flu?
Q: So you can call me a tin hat man. Or whatever a conspiracy theorist is called. But what is the big deal of this so called “swine flu”? First off only 429 people died in 2009 so far from swine. Compared to 39,000 that died from the seasonal influenza. I think this is just something that the government has stirred up to scare everyone. Also did you see how the US got so defensive on the name swine flu? They said NO! you can’t call it that anymore. Because they knew it was so dumb. So they came up with H1N1. Which sounds even more dumb.
A: The real tin hat men are the ones that are going to be running around getting the vaccine just because the media hype.
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