Winter Parenting Survival Guide for Cold and Flu Season

Sometimes winter months can be the the hardest. Parents will be on double time with colds and the flu at hand. As a parent I have noticed, most times, my child brings colds and the flu home from school. Though many different places can be the cause. Trips to the store, daycare, etc. Can lead to your child getting sick. Here are a few tips to survive the winter months.

Discuss. This may not be full proof, but it is always a great idea to discuss with your child the importance of personal space and hygiene. Discuss with them about keeping their hands to themselves, using tissue for their nose, and washing their hands. Tell them to not get to close with others who are sick. A child being aware of their surroundings is important.

Sanitizer. It is always a real good idea to have sanitizer bottles or wipes on hand any where you head this winter. Send some to school with your child to keep back on germs. This is an item that it wouldn’t hurt to stock up on during winter.

Vitamin C. Don’t forget the Vitamin C to boost your child’s health for winter. This is good for the health of your child and yourself. So stock up on some Vitamin C drops, orange juice, and healthy fruits.

Tissue. Having tissue is very important for those little runny noses. Have extras in your purse, car, your child’s backpack, and where ever you can think of. Too much, is plenty. You can buy packs of these in bulk. Don’t forget to look for soft brands so their noses are not rubbed raw in the cold!

Care. Most of all, don’t forget yourself the whole time. We of course put our child’s health as number one on the list, but we tend to forget ourselves. Make sure you don’t forget your health. If you get sick you wont be able to feel on top for holidays, if your child gets sick, or your job. So when considering you eat right, dress warmly, cause your health is very important to your daily routine.

Winter can be a hard part of the year with colds and the flu. Be sure to remember these tips. They may just help you survive a busy and cold winter. Most of all, don’t forget taking care of yourself. It is very important to helping you survive winter!

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