Why Can’t We Find Jessie?

The family is begging for Jessie to be brought back home. There have been accusations of child abuse by cousins. The mother has a criminal past for child abuse, The police are calling this a kidnapping, Its time to stop looking at the family and start looking for Jessie. Let the police handle the rest, lets do our part to bring Jessie home. Remember she could be anywhere. With a kidnapping the world is the search grounds, especially with a child. They can be controlled and threatened if they start to act up. They can be taken by plane, auto, train, what ever kind of transportation there is. That is the reason we should all memorize, Jessie’s face. They may change her hair and clothes but there is not much they can do to change that beautiful face.

When ever a child is kidnapped, the first thing the kidnapper must do is change the way the child looks. They may cut their hair, or dress them like the opposite sex. There was a report of Jessie was seen being put into a car by a woman. There has been no more about that tip, so I assume it fell through. A woman ususally kidnaps a child because she wants a child or has lost a child and is seeking to get that child back by kidnapping another child. The children that have been rescued were usually seen by someone who knew the persons backround or family. They knew that person did not have a child that age. That is what we need to do now. Watch for someone who shows up with a child, they may say it is a niece or a friends child. If you see someone you know should not have a child, call law enforcement, do it before the person can get away. You may not like Jessie’s family situation but the truth is, that Jessie belongs back home. Deal with anything else later. The child has got to be so frightened. Put your child in that position, wouldn’t you want people to watch for your child. Wouldn’t you want them to call law enforcement and don’t forget the reward. Little Jessie has three older sisters who love her and miss her. She has relative that are hurting because she is gone.

Its easy to feel sorry for someone who has lost a chld or cannot have children. Anyone would, but feeling sorry for someone and bringing a child home to her family are two different thing. This is Jessie’s famiily, her real family. Go to some of the sites that have Jessie picture and look at the little baby. She is precious and always smiling.She should not have to cry because she is missing her family. She probably has dolls and toys that she is missing. She must have little friends that are missing her.

Tonight is Halloween, probably next to Christmas, a childs favorite holiday. Who knows what Jessie would have wanted to dress up as. There will be no trick or treat for Jessie. If she has been kidnapped, the abductor is going to keep her very close to them. They will keep her close until she is used to them, until they have gained her trust. Once that is done, the abductor has no fear of Jessie running away or telling anyone. If Jessie is not returned, as she grows she may have memories of her real family, but she may not understand them. The trauma of being taken could have an effect on how she perceives her early life.

With the holidays right around the corner, its going to be a very sad time for Jessie’s family. There will be an empty chair where Jessie would have sat. Imagine your holidays if one of your children, a niece or maybe a friends child was missing. Jessie should not have to miss the holidays with her family this year. She should not have to miss presents, turkey, pumpkin pie, all that good food that comes with the coming season. The seasons are so family-centered, and one missing part, makes it a family in need.

Lets make it a bright one for Jessie and her family. Bringing Jessie home would be the best gift for her and her family. She won’t even need a red bow, just that beautiful smile.

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