Where’s the Justice?

One year ago this month, a woman’s husband of over ten years was once again charged with battery on a household member, which was her, being the household member. This was his second time to be charged but by far not the only two times he commited this crime against her. It took so long to go to trial because after charges were filed there was a warrent for his arrest which he evaded for some time before finally being captured. He was jailed for a short time & able to bond out after a few short days. The first trial date was set & his attorney filed a motion for a continuance so another date was set, another continuance, another date, another continuance & so on. During this time that his attorney bought for him, he hacked into her email & facebook accounts changing her profile information to that of a developmentally disabled drug addicted prostitute (putting it nicely). He also attempted to bribe the other witness against him. Neither of which mattered to anyone but her nor had any affect on the verdict. Today he was found NOT GUILTY of anything! Allow me to back up a little. she was living in their home which was in his mothers name & she had retained another order of protection against him after this battery. An order which he violated more than 10 times. His mother evicted her & he was arrested while she was being forced & in the process of moving out. His arrest somehow gave his mother, his 19 year old girlfriend & her mother the right to prevent her from getting the rest of her stuff. They kept half of everything she owned. In court they said that she lied about this while his girlfriend sat there wearing my clothes! Let me back up again to October 2009 when I returned home from work to find that she couldn’t get into the house then after being called a number of vulgar names, her husband let her in only to grab her by the neck & throw her on the floor twice. It ended with her trying to run away & call 911 as he chased her & bashed out her car windows. That was his first charge of battery. She chose to not testify against him because he promised not to do it again & because she was afraid he or his mother would do something to get back at her. They saw it as her getting him into trouble when she called 911. The YEARS of abuse she had endured being married to this man has left her with PTS (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). His mother knew about the abuse because she witnessed it & even tried to help her once but when it came down to it, she defended her son & even testified in court that she was unstable & suicidal. She didn’t tell them why though. She lied for him & defended him to everyone! Which broke this woman’s heart even more because she always protected her, stopped him from stealing from her & loved her as her own mother. Now, to the night of the last battery. Her husband was staying with his 19 year old girlfriend as he had been even before an order of protection had been filed against him. She had a friend staying with her because she was afraid to stay alone & at 1:30 AM, her husband came into the house, walked past her friend, grabbed something off a table came into their bedroom & threw the object, striking her in the face as she slept. Her friend called 911 as he forced her to leave while his girlfriend watched. The police arrived & took her statement & the statement of her friend & charges were filed against her husband. During the last ten years of her life, she has been physically, emotionally & mentally battered by her husband. He stole from her, tried to blame her for crimes that he commited, he cheated on her & so much more. His ACTIONS caused her to REACT in ways that he always referred to as & claimed to be the ACTION instead of the REACTION. He would then REACT to her REACTION by doing something much worse than the original ACTION. He never once told anyone what he had done to begin with. His deceit created a smoke screen which caused his friends, family members & coworkers to think that she was out of control & problematic, even crazy. He often blamed it on her Bi-Polar disorder which, she would like to say, has NEVER caused her to ACT out as such. In my opinion, his attorneys helped him to continue this charade today & the jury believed it & that is how they found him NOT GUILTY! He is free & this innocent woman is imprisoned by the distrust, insecurity, resentment & ongoing pain & sorrow plus the PTS & permanent nerve damage in her neck all due to the emotional, mental & physical abuse she endured at the hands of her husband. The man who promised to LOVE, HONOR & CHERISH HER UNTIL DEATH DO THEM PART. SHE MEANT WHAT SHE SAID WHEN SHE SAID “I DO” BUt SHE WAS WRONG WHEN SHE BELIEVED THAT HE DID TOO!

PLEASE people, if you know of someone who seems to be acting out of character or out of control, PLEASE ask yourself if they may be REACTING to something before you decide that they are ACTING & if you discover that they are REACTING to being abused, call someone, anyone & HELP THEM. They sometimes can’t do it for themselves. Domestic violence is so common, that stories like this get over looked and people end up hurt, broken and even murdered. This MUST stop and this woman deserves to have her voice heard and justice served. Please, please support Domestic Violence Awareness. I have left the name of the woman who’s story this is out, due to privacy, but she gave me permission to write an article about what she endured, in hopes of getting her story out and finding someone to listen. Thank you, if you would like to offer help or give advice, please contact me by leaving a comment. Thank you, Patti Founder of Mothers Against Child Molesters and An Advocate for woman and children & even men against ALL forms of violence.

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