Vitamins for Energy

We need vitamins for energy. Vitamins recharge the body’s batteries giving it the energy it needs to function. Every action the body takes requires energy. We need energy to think, talk, walk, and even to eat. Unless we replenish the vitamins in our bodies, we will lack energy and become weak and lethargic.

Several vitamins are extremely important and we should intake them daily through our regular food supply or as supplements. Getting the vitamins we need for energy through food is the best way to meet our bodies requirements. However, supplements are a great alternative for people who fail to maintain a well-balanced diet that is rich in natural vegetables and fruits, and healthy sources of protein.

Vitamin B. Vitamin B produces energy in the body and helps regulate the use of energy. The B vitamins include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid. Thiamin, also known as vitamin B1, works to strengthen the body’s immune system and supports the functions of the brain and central nervous system. Riboflavin is also important for helping the body maintain energy. Riboflavin or vitamin B2 helps the body overcome feelings of fatigue. It is one of the most important vitamins for energy. Niacin or vitamin B3 helps the body manage high cholesterol, which depletes the body of energy. Folic acid, commonly referred to as vitamin B9, is required for optimum energy production in the body. It is considered food for the brain, and works best in combination with other vitamins and nutrients to provide energy for the body.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a great source of quick energy. It is known for its ability to strengthen the immune system and help fight seasonal illnesses such as colds. In addition to providing the body with energy, vitamin C could help protect against “cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling,” according to K.M. Zelman, registered dietitian. A glass of orange juice or a piece of citrus fruit is the best way to get your daily dose of vitamin C.

Other Sources of Energy. In addition to getting sufficient vitamins for energy, it is important to consume foods that contain other sources of energy boosting nutrients. Iron is an excellent source of energy, especially for women in the childbearing years. Lack of iron leads to weakness and fatigue. Seeds, beans, nuts and seafood will provide the iron needed for extra energy.

Maintain the level of energy you need to stay active and enjoy life by making sure your diet contains foods that are rich in vitamins for energy.

K.M. Zelman, The Benefits of Vitamin C, WebMD.
William Lawson, Vitamin B: A Key to Energy, Psychology Today

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