Using Aroma Therapy to Treat Spasticity

Spasticity can be caused by damage that has occurred to the part of the brain that controls movement of the body or by damage that has occurred to the nerves that go from the brain to the spinal cord. Spasticity its self is the stiffness orrigidness in muscles. It can be identified by the unusual tightness or increased muscle tone in the muscles. It is a serious condition and it can effect walking as well as other everyday normal activities such as speech.

Some other causes of spasticity include a stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, phenylketonuria, spinal cord injury or head injury. Exercise and muscle stretching can help ease some of the symptoms but if you have any symptoms which could indicate that you have spasticity you should see a medical doctor or if you have been diagnosed with it and it gets worse then you should see your doctor.

I am a certified natural health consultant and I have study and worked with essential oils for over 20 years. Below are some of my own essential oil formulas that I personally created and have worked with over the years. Choose one and mix the oils together very well then use as a massage oil two or three times a day.

Spasticity Formulas

Spasticity Oil #1


4 drops Cypress Essential Oil
10 drops Ginger Essential Oil
16 drops Lemon Essential Oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Spasticity Oil #2


10 drops Benzoin Essential Oil
15 drops Lemon Essential Oil
5 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Spasticity Oil #3


5 drops Ginger Essential Oil
3 drops Juniper Essential Oil
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
12 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Spasticity Oil #4


10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Lemon Essential Oil
10 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Spasticity Oil #5

5 drops Benzoin Essential Oil
5 drops Cypress Essential Oil
5 drops Ginger Essential Oil
5 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Spasticity Oil #6


15 drops Cypress Essential Oil
15 drops Ginger Essential Oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Spasticity Oil #7


15 drops Juniper Essential Oil
15 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Spasticity Oil #8


15 drops Benzoin Essential Oil
15 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

**Note: These are formulas that I have created and worked with over the years. Be sure to wear gloves when working with essential oils in their pure state and they should always be diluted with a carrier oil. Test a small path of skin with a tiny bit of the formula to make sure that you do not experience an allergic reaction before you use it on a large area of skin. I have over 25 years of experience working with herbs and essential oils for natural healing. I am also a certified natural health consultant but No liability can be taken by me!**

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