Treating Cancer with Aloe Vera

Though there is no clear link between the use of aloe vera and cancer it is used to treat various skin conditions including burns caused during radiotherapy treatment. Though the use of aloe vera in isolation cannot be beneficial combining it with a healthy lifestyle and good diet habits can definitely help in the overall health and prevention of cancerous growth.

Amongst the many herbal plants aloe vera is the most widely used plant and there are health benefits to adding aloe vera in the daily diet. But there is no direct evidence to show that taking only aloe vera juices and capsules can cure cancer completely. Many people continue to think aloe vera and cancer cure go hand in hand which is not true because though it has its benefits other treatments like chemo and radiotherapy are essential to treat cancer.

Research is being done to see the various benefits of the plant and studies have shown the plant has properties that actually help in production of white blood cells and having more white blood cells gives an immense boost to the body’s immune system which in turn may help fight cancerous growth. But researchers and doctors are still not absolutely sure about the direct link between aloe vera and cancer treatment, though tumor formation is reduced when a healthy does of aloe vera juice is included in the diet.

Aloe Vera however has other immense uses where it is considered one of the best detoxifying agents to flush out toxins from the body. It is also one of the most natural skin soothe that can be used without fear of any side effects. The juice got from directly crushing the fleshy leaves of the plant is the most effective medicine for constipation. It is also used to soften skin and prevents skin aging to an extent. The gel of aloe vera is also used on wounds to prevent dryness as the wound starts to heal. But relying entirely on aloe vera for cancer treatment is still not considered safe. Though the research is promising doctors still recommend the standard treatment for cancer but aloe vera juice and products can be safely included in the diet with out any fear of complications. Chronic disease like cancer require a holistic approach and lifestyle changes have to be made to prevent the formation of cancerous cells and aloe vera can be used for the purpose but it cannot be the sole product to treat cancer.

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