Top Five Yoga Poses that Alleviate Back Pain

Many Americans suffer with back pain. In fact, 80 percent of Americans experience it at some point in time. There are health problems that can cause this, including arthritis. A lot of people use medication to alleviate the pain, but there are yoga poses (asanas) that can also help reduce the pain. Yoga can be used in conjunction with medicine to beat back aches. Try these top five yoga poses to alleviate back pain.

#1 Cow Pose (Bitilasana)

Begin your workout with the cow pose for a wonderful way to warm-up the spine. This asana will also provide an excellent massage to the spine and abdominal organs. It is important to note that those with injuries to the neck should keep their head aligned with their torso when performing the cow pose.

#2 Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

When looking for an asana that will give the spine a soft massage, try the cat pose. This pose also elongates the back of the trunk and abdominal organs. The child’s pose helps prepare the body for the cat pose, so you may want to begin with child’s pose and ease your way into cat.

#3 Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)

The reclining big toe pose alleviates back pain while providing a great stretch to the hips and the back of the legs. This asana also diminishes menstrual pain and sciatica. If you are feeling stiff, try performing this asana with the heel of the leg on the ground against a wall. For the maximum benefits and for balance, be sure to stretch both the left and right leg.

#4 Plow Pose (Halasana)

The plow pose can reduce back pain. In addition, it can reduce headaches and help with infertility, insomnia and inflamed nasal sinuses. Women who are pregnant should not practice the plow pose if it is new to them, but if they were already performing this asana before pregnancy they can continue to do so.

#5 Bharadvaja’s Twist (Bharadvajasana I)

Bharadvaja’s twist is medicinal to the spine and belly organs, and it alleviates pain in the lower back and the neck. This asana is exceptionally great for pregnant women during their second trimester because it makes the lower back stronger. When performing this pose, remember to twist to both the left and right sides.

Rather you experience lower, middle or upper back pain, give the top five yoga poses for back pain a try. These poses will beat stress and reduce back aches at the same time.


Web MD
Yoga Journal

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Rebecca completed courses in Medical Terminology, Administrative Medical Assisting, and Coding and Billing. She is recognized by the National Healthcareer Association as a Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) and Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA). In addition, Rebecca is a former gymnast and is avid about yoga, swimming and other athletic activities.

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