Too Much Last-minute Shopping, Too Little Meaningful Celebration of Christmas…

To perceive Christmas through its wrappings becomes more difficult with every year.
~Elwyn Brooks White

Worry, hurry, scurry – Christmas is coming and one simply must get Christmas shopping done and out of the way. What to buy, where to shop, and how to save money, all the while getting everything mailed in time or the gift wrapping done and everything under the tree? There is so much to do and so little time to do it in (big sigh).

I wish I were referring to other people, but in truth my finger is pointing right back at my own nose. The last few years I have been guilty of procrastinating and over-fussing about the whole Christmas gift experience. There is simply too much last-minute shopping and too little meaningful celebration of Christmas going on in my life, and I don’t like it one bit.

Looking back, I remember the years when I shopped year round, tucked gifts away, and had Christmas shopping and gift wrapping completed by mid-October. Gift selections seemed simpler then with uncomplicated toys to choose from at reasonable prices as well as practical clothing items which were welcomed by family members.

Things have definitely changed, at least for me. Since there are no little children in the family at this time, “toys” as such are no longer on my list. Electronics have become desired gifts, something one does not purchase ahead of time as technology changes constantly. Practical clothing has given way to more trendy items, name brands, the “in” colors and styles. I procrastinate on these purchases as these items are difficult to select for those living in other households.

Prices are higher; stocking stuffers and tuck-in gifts are as scarce as hens’ teeth. I live alone now and no longer enjoy driving to the big malls. Popular items disappear from the shelves, stores are crowded, shoppers become grouchy and clerks are stressed – all of which takes the fun out of shopping.

Many families do not have a gift exchange as part of their Christmas celebration, but we have traditionally done this in our family which still is meaningful to us, especially so to my grandchildren. Also, I feel a need to shop as I’m a person who doesn’t want to just exchange money or gift cards with others for Christmas. I would miss the joy of wrapping gifts and sharing the fun of opening presents with others.

Although I might yearn for simpler times, I recognize that life has changed and that this senior citizen must also make some changes. Yes, I want to continue with our tradition of personal gifting within my family. What I must not do is procrastinate and become stressed, thereby losing sight of the true reason for the celebration of Christmas, that being God’s gift to the world, his son, Jesus Christ.

I recognize that I have developed a habit of too much last-minute Christmas shopping which has impacted my own celebration of the reason for the season. It is up to me to change this mindset, and I will now that I have engaged my brain in order to come up with solutions. I welcome ideas – how do you handle Christmas gifting in your home?

See also by R.C.: A Poem: It’s a Wrap

Source: Personal experience

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