Tips for Helping Your ADHD Child While Homeschooling

Homeschooling a child who has been diagnosed with ADHD, can certainly be a challenge. There are however several things that you can do in order to help your child. The tips listed may help you to have less stress throughout the course of a day. Keep in mind that each child is different so what works for one child diagnosed with ADHD may not work for all.

Watch what they eat!

When it comes to diet and ADHD, studies have shown that there ma be a link between the two. According to this article on MSN health, there are a list of foods that you will want to avoid, that may help lessen the symptoms of ADHD. They also list the types of foods that your child should eat in order to help them. Take the time to read through the list and see what you can change in your child’s diet. In order to get the type of foods that are best for your child you may need to rework your monthly meal plan. If you don’t have a meal plan you may want to create one.

Outdoor Play Time

According to another article from science, getting your child active and outdoors can also help. This may mean re- doing your homeschooling schedule. For example if you already have one scheduled break why not consider adding a few more short breaks. After speaking with many parents who have children who deal with this, they have found after an hour of work a break is needed. It may even prove helpful to take the time, and plan out activities that you can do together.

Get moving on a rainy day

If it is raining outside you still will want to give your child the opportunity to get active and moving. So when the weather takes a turn for the worse, why not take the time to plan some rainy day activities. There are plenty of activities that you can do indoors to get your child active, and moving.

Get rid of distractions

If there are distractions in the room this can make concentrating even more difficult. If you have a designated school room, or school area, make sure that there are not too many things that can distract. For example if you are not using the computer for school work, than you should turn it off. If you have other children in the home, they should have their own space, so as not to distract each other, especially the child with ADHD.

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