The Winter Journey Home

The ground is frozen. The earth is cold.
Winter casts her white veil over the summer land.
Under thousands of bright stars scattered in the sky,
A solitary wolf cries out in the night
Seeking the warm of companionship and company.
His shadow moving over the earth, swift and light.

Morning comes and so does light.
The barren ground is covered in a blanket of cold.
The lone wolf seeks a pack, his own company.
He traverses the hills and over the land
Hoping to find the grey ones before night.
It is easier to see with the brightness of the sky.

Dusk descends upon the earth and he looks to the sky
While she casts a grey veil over the fading light.
Soon the earth will be shadowed in the darkness of night.
As the sun sinks below the horizon, the earth grows cold.
For many days past, the wolf ranged over the land
Looking for companions and company.

But tonight there will be no companions, no company.
Tonight there are only icy stars staring down from the sky.
He huddles in the soft snow to bed upon the land
Waiting for the morning light.
He waits in the darkness. He waits in the cold.
He waits under the cover of the dark, gloomy night.

The warm sun rises and chases away the night.
The birds sing their music, together in joyful company.
Banish the darkness, banish the cold.
Dawn is rising. Look to the sky!
The sleeping wolf stirs under the warmth of the light
And again begins his quest for friends over the land.

Quickly, swiftly traveling over the land.
Quickly, swiftly before the dark of night.
Through a thicket of trees, in the shimmering light
He sees a pack, a welcoming company
Playing in a meadow under the azure blue sky
And though the ground is frozen, he is no longer cold.

Across the land, he searched for his company
In the darkness of night and under the clear bright sky.
His heart is content, his heart is light. The warmth of friendship melts all that is cold.

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